Sunday, 8 October 2017

10 Month Moving Average Wie Viele Tage

Wie viele ein Wörterbuch der Maßeinheiten COPY Russ Rowlett und die Universität von North Carolina am Kapelle-Hügel M 91193 eine informelle Abkürzung für Million in Ausdrücken wie 500M für 500 Million Dollar oder quotUnemployment erreicht 4Mquot in einer Schlagzeile der Zeitung. In binären Kontexten wie dem Computerspeicher repräsentiert M oft 2 20 1 048 576 (siehe mebi-, unten). M 91293 die römische Zahl 1000, manchmal in Symbolen verwendet, um tausend, wie in McF. Ein traditionelles Symbol für 1000 Kubikfuß. Angesichts der weit verbreiteten Verwendung von M auf eine Million bedeuten, ist diese ältere Verwendung von M zu tausend bedeutet sehr verwirrend und sollte verschrottet werden. M 3 das Symbol für quotmolarquot in der Chemie (siehe unten). Ma ein Symbol für eine Million Jahre, oft in der Astronomie und Geologie verwendet. Das a steht für das lateinische Jahr. Mab-Symbol für Meter über der Unterseite (Unterseite des Meeres), eine Maßeinheit, die in der Ozeanographie verwendet wird. Mace eine traditionelle chinesische Einheit zum Wiegen von Edelmetallen, vor allem Silber. In der europäischen Kolonialzeit wurde die Keule als 0,1 tael oder liang betrachtet, das wäre 215 Unzen oder etwa 3,78 Gramm. Mach oder mach (M oder Ma) ein Maß für die relative Geschwindigkeit, verwendet, um die Geschwindigkeit eines Flugzeugs relativ zur Schallgeschwindigkeit auszudrücken. Der Name des Gerätes wird oft vor der Messung platziert. So ist Mach 1.0 die Schallgeschwindigkeit, Mach 2.0 ist die doppelte Schallgeschwindigkeit und so weiter. (Die tatsächliche Schallgeschwindigkeit variiert, abhängig von der Dichte und Temperatur der Atmosphäre. Bei 0 176C und einem Druck von 1 Atmosphäre beträgt die Schallgeschwindigkeit etwa 1088 Fuß, 331,6 ms oder 741,8 MHz). Die Machgeschwindigkeit ist wichtig für die Steuerung eines Flugzeugs, insbesondere bei Geschwindigkeiten, die Mach 1,0 nahe oder überschreiten. Die Einheit ist für den österreichischen Physiker Ernst Mach (1838-1916) benannt. Maf oder Maf ein Symbol für eine Million Acre Fuß. Dieses Symbol, das üblicherweise im Reservoir-Management in den USA verwendet wird, sollte Maf geschrieben werden. 1 Maf etwa 1,2335 Milliarden (10 9) Kubikmeter. Größe (mag) 91193 eine Einheit traditionell in der Astronomie verwendet, um die scheinbare Helligkeit der Sterne, Planeten und andere Objekte in den Himmel auszudrücken. Jahrhundertelang waren die hellsten Sterne von der ersten Größe, mit schwächeren von der zweiten Größe und so weiter bis zur sechsten Größe für die leisesten Sterne, die für das unbewaffnete Auge sichtbar waren. Als es möglich wurde, stellaren Helligkeiten präzise zu messen, wurde entdeckt, dass Sterne von einer bestimmten traditionellen Größe etwa 2,5 mal heller waren als Sterne der nächsten Größenordnung. Die Astronomen waren einverstanden, die Größenordnung so zu definieren, dass eine Differenz von genau 5,0 Mag einer Helligkeitsdifferenz von genau 100 Mal entspricht. Eine Differenz von 1,0 Mag entspricht dann einer Helligkeitsdifferenz der fünften Wurzel von 100 oder etwa 2,512 mal. Die Skala ist umgekehrt: heller Sterne haben niedrigere, nicht höhere Größenordnungen, im Einklang mit dem historischen Ursprung der Skala. Der Nullpunkt (0.0 Mag) wird willkürlich gesetzt, so dass die Sterne, die historisch als erste Größe aufgelistet wurden, Größenmessungen von 1,5 m oder heller haben. Die hellsten Sterne und Planeten haben negative Größen auf dieser Skala. Anmerkung: Die Skala wird allgemein verwendet, um die scheinbare Größe von Objekten zu beschreiben, wie wir sie auf der Erde betrachten, aber die Astronomen benutzen sie auch für absolute Größe. Die Größe, die das Objekt haben würde, wenn es in einem Standardabstand von 10 Parsecs (32,61 Lichtjahre) von der Erde platziert wäre. Größe (Mag) 91293 eine Einheit in der Erdwissenschaft verwendet, um die Intensität der Erdbeben zu messen. Geologen verwenden tatsächlich mehrere Skalen, um die Erdbeben-Intensität zu messen, aber die, die der Öffentlichkeit am bekanntesten ist, ist die Richter-Größenordnung, die 1935 von Charles F. Richter (1900-1985) des California Institute of Technology entwickelt wurde. Die Richter-Größe wird aus der gemessenen Amplitude und Häufigkeit der von einem Seismographen empfangenen Erdbebenschockwellen berechnet, die auf den Abstand zwischen der Beobachtungsstation und dem Epizentrum des Erdbebens abgestimmt sind. Eine Zunahme von 1,0 in der Richter-Grße entspricht einer Zunahme der 10-fachen Amplitude der Wellen und einer Zunahme von etwa 31 mal mehr Energie, die durch das Beben freigesetzt wird. Die stärksten Erdbeben, die bisher erfasst wurden, hatten Größen von etwa 8,5. Die Richter-Größe misst die Intensität des Erdbebens selbst, nicht die Intensität der Erdbeben-Effekte: Die Wirkungen hängen auch von der Tiefe des Erdbebens, der Geologie des Gebietes um das Epizentrum und vielen anderen Faktoren ab. Erdbeben-Effekte werden mit der Mercalli-Skala bewertet (siehe unten). Magnum eine traditionelle Einheit des Volumens für Wein, in der Regel gleich 2 Flaschen. Das sind jetzt genau 1,5 Liter (ca. 2.114 U. Quarts). Mahnd eine traditionelle arabische Gewichtseinheit gleich ungefähr 2,04 Pfund oder 925 Gramm. Maringl ein norwegisches Wort für Maß, wurde maringl als Name für verschiedene traditionelle norwegische Maßeinheiten verwendet. Als Landmaß wird das Maringl derzeit als das dekare identifiziert, dh genau 1000 Quadratmeter (0,1 Hektar oder 0,2471 Hektar). Das Maringl wurde auch als Volumeneinheit verwendet, die dem Dekaliter (10 Liter) entspricht. Mandel eine traditionelle deutsche Einheit der Menge gleich 15. Mann Stunde eine gemeinsame Einheit der Arbeit gleich der Arbeit von einer Person für eine Stunde. Der Name Person Stunde wird zunehmend für diese Einheit verwendet. Manpower eine informelle Einheit der Macht gleich 0,1 PS oder etwa 74,57 Watt. Das Gerät scheint von amerikanischen Ingenieuren erfunden worden zu sein. Manzana eine traditionelle Einheit der Landfläche in Mittelamerika. Die Manzana ist die Fläche eines quadratischen 100 varas auf einer Seite, so variiert sie entsprechend der Länge der vara. Die Costa Rican Manzana entspricht 0,698 896 Hektar oder etwa 1.727 Hektar. Sehr ähnliche Einheiten werden in Guatemala, Honduras und Nicaragua eingesetzt. Das Wort Manzana bedeutet einen Apfel, aber die Einheit ist wahrscheinlich auf Manzanar bezogen. Obstgarten. Marathon eine traditionelle Einheit der Distanz in der Leichtathletik verwendet. Die Länge eines Marathons ist genau 42 195 Meter (ungefähr ein halber Zoll länger als 26 Meilen 385 Yards). Für die ersten modernen Olympischen Spiele in Athen im Jahre 1896 erfunden, erinnert sich der Marathon an einen Lauf in 490 v. Chr. Von einem griechischen Soldaten (möglicherweise Pheidippides) gemacht, um nach Athen die Nachricht vom griechischen Sieg über die Perser in der Schlacht von Marathon zu bringen. Allerdings ist die tatsächliche Entfernung von Marathon nach Athen nur etwa 36,75 Kilometer. Der Lauf von 1896 war genau 40 Kilometer von der Marathonbrücke zum Olympiastadion. Bei den Olympischen Spielen 1908 in London führte ein Kurs von 26 Meilen 385 Yards Läufer von Windsor Castle zum White City Stadium (die Geschichte ist, dass genau 26 Meilen beabsichtigt war, aber Queen Alexandra bestand darauf, dass die Ziellinie vor der königlichen Box bewegt werden ). Die Marathons bei den Olympischen Spielen variierten in der Länge bis zu den Olympischen Spielen 1924 in Paris, als das Internationale Olympische Komitee die Londoner Distanz von 1908 als offiziell annahm. Marc, marco oder markieren Sie traditionelle Gewichtseinheiten in verschiedenen Ländern Westeuropas. In jedem Land entspricht das Gerät 12 der Einheit, die dem englischen Pfund entspricht. So entspricht der französische Mark 12 Livre. 8 Oncen oder etwa 244,75 Gramm entspricht das spanische Marco 12 Libra oder etwa 230 Gramm die deutsche Marke entspricht 12 pfund oder etwa 280,5 Gramm und die englische Marke entspricht 8 Unzen oder 226,8 Gramm. Die englische Einheit wurde fast ausschließlich zur Messung von Edelmetallen verwendet. Marine-Liga ein informeller Name für die Liga als auf See verwendet: eine Einheit der Entfernung im Allgemeinen gleich 3 Seemeilen (5556 Meter). Mark Twain siehe twain. Marla eine traditionelle Einheit der Fläche in Pakistan. Der Marla wurde unter britischer Herrschaft standardisiert, um gleich dem quadratischen Stab 1 zu sein, das heißt, 272,25 Quadratfuß, 30,25 Quadratyards oder 25,2929 Quadratmeter. Mas-Symbol für milliarcsecond. Eine Einheit der Winkelmessung, die gewöhnlich in der Astronomie verwendet wird. Masha eine traditionelle Einheit der Masse in Indien und Pakistan, standardisiert unter britischer Herrschaft als 15 Grains. 112 Tola. Oder etwa 0,972 g. In Pakistan wird das Gerät immer noch manchmal für das Gewicht von Edelmetallen verwendet. Masl ein gemeinsames Symbol für Meter über dem Meeresspiegel in Geologie und Geographie verwendet. Maszlig (Masse) eine Volumeneinheit für Bier in Deutschland und Österreich, in der Regel gleich einem Liter heute. Die traditionelle bayerische Maszlig war etwa 1,07 Liter. MAU ein Symbol für die Milli-Absorptionseinheit. Eine Erhöhung der Extinktion von 1 mAU entspricht einer Reduktion der Durchlässigkeit von etwa 0,2305. Maund eine traditionelle Einheit des Gewichts in Indien und in ganz Südasien. Der Maund variierte beträchtlich, aber während der Zeit der britischen Herrschaft in Indien wurde es auf ungefähr 82.286 Pfund oder 37.3242 Kilogramm standardisiert. Die Maund ist in 40 Seers unterteilt. Seit 1980 hat Pakistan eine metrische Version des Maund gleich 40 Kilogramm (88,185 Pfund) verwendet, wodurch der Seher gleich dem Kilogramm wird. Maxwell (Mx) eine CGS-Einheit des magnetischen Flusses, gleich 10 -8 weber. In einem Magnetfeld der Stärke ein Gauß. Ein Maxwell ist der Gesamtfluss über eine Fläche eines Quadratzentimeters senkrecht zum Feld. Diese Einheit wurde früher die Linie 91293 genannt. Der neuere Name ehrt den britischen Physiker James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), der die einheitliche Theorie des Elektromagnetismus im Jahre 1864 präsentierte. MBF oder MBM traditionelle Symbole für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Bordfüße. Eine Volumeneinheit für Holz gleich 2503 83,333 Kubikfuß oder 2,360 Kubikmeter. BM steht für Tafelmaß. Mbsl ein gemeinsames Symbol für Meter unter dem Meeresspiegel in Geologie und Ozeanographie verwendet. MBH, MBtuh Symbole für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Btu (britische thermische Einheiten) pro Stunde, ein Gerät, das traditionell in der US-amerikanischen Heizungs - und Klimatechnik verwendet wird, um die Heiz - oder Kühlleistung anzugeben. Ein MBH entspricht etwa 0,293 071 Kilowatt. Mc - oder mc 91193 alternatives Symbol für micro - (siehe unten). Dieses Präfix wird oft im Symbol mcg für das Mikrogramm gesehen. Die Verwendung des Symbols mc - für micro - wurde festgestellt, weil Schreibmaschinen und frühen Dot-Matrix-Drucker nicht über das richtige Symbol Mikro-. Außerdem erfordern viele Krankenhäuser die Verwendung von mc - in allen handgeschriebenen Notizen und Aufzeichnungen, da ein eilig geschriebenes Quotientenmikroskop mit einem Quotienten verwechselt werden kann, was zu ernsthaften Dosierungsfehlern führt. Allerdings ist die Verwendung von mc - für Mikro - auch verwirrend und sollte so weit wie möglich vermieden werden. Eine Quelle der Verwirrung besteht darin, dass mc - als millicenti-quot interpretiert werden kann, ein Fehler, der auch zu gefährlichen Dosierungsfehlern führen kann. Gelegentlich wurde mc als Symbol für das Mikrometer verwendet (siehe unten). Mc 91293 Italienisch Abkürzung für den Kubikmeter (Metro cubico). Dies ist ein Nicht-Standard-Symbol das richtige Symbol ist m 3. MCF ein traditionelles Symbol für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Kubikfuß, eine Einheit des Volumens gleich etwa 28.317 Kubikmeter. Mcfd ein Symbol für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Kubikfuß pro Tag, eine Maßeinheit der Wasserströmung, die von vielen U. S. Wasserversorgungsfirmen und - agenturen benutzt wird. 1 Mcfd 19,665 Liter (5,195 U. S. Gallonen) pro Minute. Mcfe ein Symbol in der Erdgasindustrie für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Kubikfuß Gasäquivalent (cfe) verwendet. Dies ist wirklich eine Energieeinheit gleich 1,091 Gigajoule (GJ). Mcg ein alternatives Symbol für das Mikrogramm. Obwohl das SI-Symbol g im Druck bevorzugt ist, wird das Symbol mcg weit in der Medizin verwendet, und seine Verwendung ist in vielen Krankenhäusern und Kliniken erforderlich. Dies liegt daran, dass ein handgeschriebenes g zu leicht mit dem Milligrammsymbol verwechselt wird, was möglicherweise zu ernsthaften medizinischen Fehlern führt. McL ein Symbol, das manchmal für den Mikroliter (L) verwendet wird. MCM ein Symbol für 1000 kreisförmige Mils. Eine Flächeneinheit von etwa 0,5067 Quadratmillimeter, die üblicherweise bei der Angabe von Drahtmeßgeräten verwendet wird. Dieses Symbol wird durch das weniger verwirrende Symbol kcmil ersetzt. Mcps ein Symbol für 1000 (nicht eine Million) Centipoises verwendet. Eine Einheit der dynamischen Viskosität. Dies ist eine jarring Zusatz eines veralteten englischen Präfix zu einer metrischen Einheit, und seine Verwendung Risiken ein großes Missverständnis, da M - ist die metrische Präfix für eine Million statt tausend. 1 Mcps entspricht 10 Poise, also ist der Eigenname des Gerätes decapoise (daP). MCU ein Symbol für die Milchgerinnung. Verwendet für die Messung der Dosis von Bromelain, ein Enzym als Verdauungshilfe und zur Reduktion von Schmerzen und Entzündungen verwendet. Diese Einheit kann nicht in eine Gewichtseinheit umgewandelt werden, da sich unterschiedliche Vorbereitungen des Enzyms in der Aktivität unterscheiden. Bromelain wird auch in Gelatineverdauungseinheiten (GDU) gemessen 1 MCU entspricht etwa 23 GDU. Eine von den Fischern früher verwendete Mengeneinheit. Die Mahlzeit entspricht der Anzahl Hering in einem Korb, etwa 620. Messen Sie eine musikalische Einheit, die eine Reihe von Beats 2 (rhythmische Belastungen) mit einem primären oder akzentuierten Stress darstellt. Eine Maßnahme wird auch Bar genannt, weil das Ende einer Maßnahme in einer musikalischen Notation durch einen vertikalen Balken dargestellt wird. (MTON oder MT) eine Volumeneinheit, die zum Messen der Ladung eines Schiffes, eines Lastkraftwagens, eines Zugs oder eines anderen Gütertransporters verwendet wird, die exakt 40 Kubikfuß oder etwa 1,1326 Kubikmeter beträgt. Diese Einheit wurde traditionell als eine Frachttonne (siehe Tonne 91593) bezeichnet, aber dieser Begriff bedeutet nun eine metrische Tonne Fracht in der meisten internationalen Verwendung. Allerdings scheint die Verwirrung unmöglich zu zerstreuen einige Verlader sind jetzt mit Messung Tonne bedeuten eine metrische Tonne Fracht. (Der Ausweg aus diesem Dilemma ist einfach: Messen Sie das Volumen in Kubikmetern und das Gewicht in metrischen Tonnen.) Mebi - (Mi-) ein binärer Präfix Bedeutung 2 20 1 048 576. Dieses Präfix, das von der Internationalen Elektrotechnischen Kommission 1998 angenommen wurde, Soll Mega - für binäre Anwendungen in der Informatik ersetzen. (Dieser Ersatz scheint nicht zu geschehen.) Das Präfix ist eine Kontraktion von megabinary. MED ein gemeinsames Symbol für minimale erytheme Dosis, die kleinste Menge an ultravioletter Strahlung, die beobachtbare Rötung (Erythem) der Haut produziert. (Die Haut ist empfindlich gegenüber Rötungen durch Strahlung in nur einem schmalen Band von Wellenlängen um 300 Nanometern.) Die MED unterscheidet sich offensichtlich von einer Person zur anderen. Ärzte und Bräunungspersonal betreibt typischerweise einen Wert von 200 Joule pro Quadratmeter (Jm 2), was die MED einer hochsensiblen Person mit dunkler Haut repräsentiert, haben MEDs im Bereich von 1000 Jm 2. Regulatory Agenturen sind im Einsatz von Die Standard-Erythemaldosis (SED), eine Einheit, die genau 100 Jm 2 entspricht. Bei der Gerbung entspricht eine Dosisleistung von einer MED pro Stunde 55,55 Milliwatt pro Quadratmeter Hautoberfläche. Meg informellen Kontraktion von Megabyte, in der Informatik verwendet. Mega - (M-) 91193 ein metrisches Präfix, das 10 6 oder eine Million bedeutet. (Die Form meg - wird oft vor einem Vokal verwendet, wie im Megohm für eine Million Ohm.) Das Präfix ist auch in der gewöhnlichen Sprache üblich, dh sehr groß, wie bei Megabucks oder Megadose. Das Präfix ist aus dem griechischen Wort für große, Megas abgeleitet. Mega - (M-) 91293 bei der Messung der Speicherkapazität eines Rechners bedeutet das Präfix mega - oftmals 2 20 1 048 576 statt einer Million. Durch eine Resolution von 1998 der Internationalen Elektrotechnischen Kommission soll das neue Präfix mebi - (Mi-) Mega - für 2 20 Megabar (Mbar) eine metrische Druckeinheit ersetzen. Der Megabar entspricht einer Million Bar. 100 Gigapascal (GPa) oder etwa 14,503 Millionen Pfund pro Quadratzoll. Solche intensiven Drücke finden sich innerhalb der Erde oder in verschiedenen fortgeschrittenen wissenschaftlichen Experimenten. Megabarrel (Mbbl, Mbo, MMb oder Mb) eine Volumeneinheit in der Energiewirtschaft verwendet, gleich einer Million Barrel Öl. Ein Megabarrel entspricht 42 Millionen U. S. Gallonen. Das sind etwa 158,987 Megalitere (ML). Megabase (Mb) eine Einheit der genetischen Information, die gleich der Information ist, die von 1 Million Paaren der Basiseinheiten in der Doppelhelix der DNA getragen wird, die auch als Einheit der relativen Distanz verwendet wird, die der Länge eines DNA-Stranges entspricht, der eine Million Base enthält Paare. Beim Menschen entspricht eine Megabase etwa einer Gen-Trennung von einem Centimorgan. Megabecquerel (MBq) eine Einheit von Radioaktivität gleich einer Million Atomzerlegungen pro Sekunde oder 27.027 Mikrocuries. Megabyte (MB) diese Informationseinheit ist sehr häufig in der Computer-Welt, aber es ist schlecht definiert. Oft bedeutet es 1 000 000 Bytes, aber manchmal bedeutet es 2 20 1 048 576 Bytes. Als ob das werent genug verwirrend, sind die 1,44 Megabyte, die auf Hochdichte-Disketten gespeichert sind, tatsächlich Megabyte von 1 024 000 Bytes. Diese Unsicherheit ist ein wichtiger Grund für die jüngste Entscheidung der Internationalen Elektrotechnischen Kommission, neue binäre Präfixe für die Informatik aufzustellen. Megacycle (Mc) 1 Million Zyklen, ein Begriff manchmal als informellen Namen für die Megahertz verwendet. Megacycle pro Sekunde (Mcs) ein älterer Name für die Megahertz. Megadalton (MDa) eine Masseeinheit von einer Million Atommasseneinheiten. Siehe dalton. Megaflops (Mflops) eine Recheneinheit gleich einer Million Gleitkommaoperationen pro Sekunde. Siehe Flops. Megagramm (Mg) eine SI-Einheit von einer Masse von 1 Million Gramm oder 1000 Kg. Das bedeutet, das Megagramm ist identisch mit der Tonne (metrische Tonne). Große Massen sind fast immer in Tonnen in kommerziellen Anwendungen angegeben, aber Megagramme werden oft in wissenschaftlichen Kontexten verwendet. Ein Megagramm entspricht etwa 2204,623 Pfund. Megahertz (MHz) eine gemeinsame Einheit der Frequenz gleich einer Million pro Sekunde. Häufigkeiten von Funkwellen werden üblicherweise in Megahertz angegeben. Megajoule (MJ) eine gemeinsame metrische Einheit der Arbeit oder Energie. Das Megajoule entspricht einer Million Joule, die ungefähr 737 562 Fuß Pfund ist, 947.8170 Btu. 238,846 (Kilogramm) Kalorien. Oder 0,277 778 Kilowattstunden. Megakelvin (MK) eine Einheit der Temperatur gleich einer Million Kelvin. Diese Maßeinheit wird in astrophysics Temperaturen in den megakelvins verwendet, die in den Inneren der Sterne oder in den hoch angeregten Plasmen gefunden werden. Das reziproke Megakelvin (MK - 1) wird in der Kolorimetrie verwendet. Megalerg eine CGS-Einheit von Energie gleich 10 6 ergs oder 0,1 Joule (0,073 756 Fuß Pfund). Das l wurde zu Mega-erg hinzugefügt, um die Einheit aussprechbar zu machen. Megaline eine metrische Einheit des magnetischen Flusses, gleich einer Million Zeilen 91293 oder 0,01 weber. Megaliter (Ml oder ML) eine metrische Einheit mit einem Volumen von 1000 Kubikmeter. Häufig verwendet in Reservoir und Wasser-System-Management außerhalb der USA der Megaliter entspricht 264 172 U. S. Gallonen oder 0,810 713 Hektar Fuß. Megalith-Hof eine Einheit der Entfernung von etwa 83 Zentimeter oder 2,72 Meter, die 1951 von der schottischen Ingenieur Alexander Thom (1894-1985). Thom behauptete, dass dieses Gerät in den Bau von vielen megalithischen Denkmälern, einschließlich Stonehenge verwendet wurde. Wenn dies der Fall war, wurde die Einheit wahrscheinlich durch die Länge eines Arbeitsarmes gemessen. Megameter (Mm) eine metrische Einheit der Entfernung von 1000 km oder 621.371 Meilen. Obwohl dies eine geeignete Einheit für längere Entfernungen auf der Erde zu sein scheint, wird der Megameter selten verwendet. Megampere (MA) eine Einheit der elektrischen Strom gleich 1 Million Ampere. Dieses Gerät wird in der Plasmaphysik und Fusionsforschung eingesetzt. Meganewton (MN) eine metrische Einheit der Kraft gleich einer Million Newton. Ein Meganewton entspricht etwa 101 972 Kilogramm Kraft oder 224 809 Pfund Kraft. Die Hauptmotoren der U. S.-Raumfähre haben einen maximalen Schub von etwa 2,28 Meganewtonnen. Megaohm (Megohm) eine gemeinsame Einheit des elektrischen Widerstandes gleich einer Million Ohm. Der Rechtschreib-Megohm wird ebenfalls verwendet. Megaohm (Megohm) Zentimeter eine Einheit des spezifischen Widerstands, für reines Wasser und für andere Substanzen mit relativ hohen spezifischen Widerstand verwendet. Im Falle von Wasser ist der spezifische Widerstand ein Maß für die Reinheit: Je höher die Reinheit, desto höher der spezifische Widerstand. Der spezifische Widerstand eines Leiters in Megaohm-Zentimeter ist definiert als sein Widerstand (in Megaohm) multipliziert mit seiner Querschnittsfläche (in Quadratzentimetern) dividiert durch seine Länge (in Zentimetern). Ein Megaohm Zentimeter entspricht 10 000 Ohm Meter. Megaparsec (Mpc) Die längste Strecke Einheit gemeinsam verwendet, wird die Megaparse von Astronomen Studium der am weitesten entfernte Quasare und Galaxien verwendet. Ein Megaparsec entspricht einer Million Parsecs. 3.2616 Millionen Lichtjahre oder 30.857 x 10 18 Kilometer (30.857 Zettometer). Megapascal (MPa, MP) eine gemeinsame metrische Einheit von Druck oder Druck gleich einer Million Pascal oder ein Newton pro Quadratmillimeter. Ein Megapascal entspricht 10 Bar oder ungefähr 145,038 Pfund pro Quadratzoll (lbfin 2 oder psi) oder 20 885,5 Pfund (10,443 U. S. Tonnen) pro Quadratfuß. Das Symbol MP wird ziemlich häufig in der Technik verwendet, aber es ist nicht korrekt: verwenden Sie MPa. Megapixel ein Gerät verwendet, um die Größe oder die Auflösung eines Bildes oder einer Digitalkamera zu beschreiben. Ein Megapixel ist eine Million Pixel (Bildelemente oder Punkte). Zum Beispiel besteht ein rechtwinkliges Bild von 1000 Pixel mal 1000 Pixel aus einem Megapixel. Megapond (Mp) eine metrische Einheit der Kraft gleich 1000 Kilogramm Kraft (kgf). Der Megapond entspricht ebenfalls 9806,65 Newton. Oder 2204.6226 Pfund Kraft in der traditionellen englischen System. Obwohl es als veraltet gilt, wird die Megapond immer noch von Ingenieuren in Europa, vor allem in Deutschland verwendet. Megaton (Mton oder Mt) eine Energieeinheit zur Messung der Energie einer Explosion, insbesondere einer nuklearen Explosion. Es wird angenommen, dass es sich um die Energiemenge handelt, die durch die Explosion von einer Million Tonnen TNT freigesetzt wird. Das Megaton ist so definiert, dass es 4.18 x 10 15 Joule (4.18 Petajoule), 1.16 Milliarden Kilowattstunden oder etwa 4 Billionen Btu entspricht. Megatonne (Mt) eine metrische Einheit der Masse oder des Gewichts gleich einer Million Tonnen (Tonnen), ein Terraph (Tg) oder etwa 2,2046 Milliarden Pfund. Megawatt (MW) eine gemeinsame metrische Einheit der Macht. Ein Megawatt entspricht einer Million Watt. Etwa 1341,02 PS. Oder 947,817 Btu pro Sekunde. Megawattstunde (MW183h) eine metrische Einheit von Energie, insbesondere elektrische Energie. Eine Megawattstunde entspricht genau 3,6 Gigajoule (GJ), etwa 3,412 Millionen Btu. Oder etwa 2,655 Mrd. Pfund. Megawatt-Tag (MW183 d oder MWD) eine Energieeinheit, die in der Atom - und Kernwaffenindustrie eingesetzt wird. Ein Megawatt-Tag entspricht genau 24 Megawattstunden, 86,4 Gigajoule (GJ), etwa 81,89 Millionen Btu. Oder etwa 63,7 Milliarden Fuß Pfund. Megayear (Myr oder Ma) eine Zeiteinheit von einer Million Jahre. Megohm eine gemeinsame Einheit des elektrischen Widerstandes gleich einer Million Ohm. Diese vereinfachte Schreibweise von Megaohm wird vom Institut für Elektro - und Elektronik-Ingenieure (IEEE) genehmigt. Meile Eine traditionelle Distanzeinheit im deutschsprachigen Raum ist die Meile viel länger als die Meileinheiten Westeuropas. Typischerweise war das Meile gleich 4000 Klafter (Faden) oder 24 000 Fuszlig (Deutsche Füße). In Österreich waren es 7586 Meter (4.714 Meilen) in Norddeutschland, das waren 4.6805 Meilen oder 7532,5 Meter. Eine Version der Meile, die so genannte geographische Meile, wurde definiert, um genau 4 (Admiralität) nautische Meilen (24 320 Fuß 4.6061 Meilen oder 7412.7 Metern) zu entsprechen. Das geographische meile wurde entworfen, um 115 Grad 91293 oder 43 Liga zu entsprechen. Siehe auch mil 91493, die skandinavische Version dieses Geräts. Mel eine Einheit der wahrgenommenen musikalischen Tonhöhe, die ursprünglich von Stevens, Volkmann und Newmann im Jahre 1937 definiert wurde. Unsere Wahrnehmung der musikalischen Tonhöhe ist komplex. Obwohl Töne höherer Frequenz als Tonhöhe wahrgenommen werden, werden Töne, die durch gleiche Intervalle (Frequenzverhältnisse), wie Oktaven, getrennt sind, nicht als in der Tonhöhe gleich beabstandet wahrgenommen. Ein reiner Ton der Frequenz 1000 Hertz bei einem Schallpegel 40 Dezibel über dem schwächsten Ton, den ein Zuhörer hören kann, wird mit einer Tonhöhe von 1000 mels definiert und Töne, die als gleichmäßig beabstandet in der Tonhöhe wahrgenommen werden, werden durch eine gleiche Anzahl von Mels getrennt . Da die Wahrnehmung der Tonhöhe von einer Anzahl von anderen Faktoren als der Frequenz abhängt, ist es nicht möglich, eine direkte Umwandlung zwischen Hertz und Mels zu geben. Für Töne über 1000 Hertz ist die wahrgenommene Tonhöhe in Mels niedriger als die Frequenz in Hertz ein 10-Kilohertz-Ton wird bei etwa 3000 mels wahrgenommen. Für Töne unter 1000 Hertz ist die wahrgenommene Tonhöhe etwas höher als die Frequenz in Hertz. Melchior eine riesige Flasche Champagner, hält etwa 18 Liter. Mercalli Intensität Skala eine empirische Skala für die Bewertung der Auswirkungen eines Erdbebens, im Gegensatz zu seiner Stärke (siehe Größe 91293 oben). Mercalli-Schätzungen werden als römische Ziffern (I-XII) angegeben, um Verwechslungen mit Größenschätzungen auf der Richterskala zu vermeiden. Die Skala ist für den italienischen Geologen Giuseppe Mercalli (1850-1914) benannt, der 1902 die erste Version entwarf, die modifizierte Version, die in den USA und Kanada verwendet wurde, wurde 1956 von Charles F. Richter entwickelt Englisch Einheit des Gewichts, war das kaufmännische Pfund (libra mercatoria) der kommerzielle Vorgänger des avoirdupois Pfund 91193. Von etwa 1100 bis 1300 verwendet, enthält das kaufmännische Pfund 15 Unzen Unzen 91293 oder 7200 Körner. Dies entspricht etwa 1,0286 avoirdupois Pfund oder 466,55 g. - Heraus eine endgültige Bedeutung - getrennt, zu einer Zahl hinzugefügt, um ein Adjektiv zu schaffen. So 8-merous Mittel mit 8 Teilen. Das Suffix, häufig von Botanikern verwendet, ist von den griechischen meros abgeleitet. Teil. Mesh eine traditionelle Einheit verwendet, um die Feinheit von gewebten Produkten wie Fischernetze, Fechten Stoff, Fenster-Screening, etc. gleich der Anzahl der Stränge pro Zoll zu messen. Für n Maschengewebe ist der Abstand zwischen den Strängen 1 n Inch oder 25,4 N Millimeter. Traf eine Einheit des Stoffwechsels. Der Stoffwechsel, die Summe aller Prozesse, die im Körper vor sich gehen, um das Leben zu erhalten, wird in Energieeinheiten gemessen, die pro Körpereinheitsfläche aufgewendet werden. Man begegnet dem Stoffwechsel einer sitzenden, ruhenden Person, die ungeachtet der Größe der Person etwa 58,15 Watt pro Quadratmeter (Wm 2) oder 13,89 Kalorien pro Sekunde pro Quadratmeter (Ruhe 2 183) entspricht. Messungen des menschlichen Metabolismus im Allgemeinen fallen im Bereich von 0,8-3,0 met, obwohl Athleten erreichen können 10 met oder mehr. Meter oder Meter (m) die metrische und SI Basiseinheit Abstand. Ursprünglich war das Messgerät so ausgelegt, dass es ein Zehn-Milliontel eines Quadranten ist. Der Abstand zwischen dem Äquator und dem Nordpol. (Die Erde ist schwierig zu messen, und ein kleiner Fehler wurde bei der Korrektur für die Abflachung verursacht durch die Erde-Rotation gemacht. Daher ist das Messgerät zu kurz, um ein bisschen weniger als 0,02.Das ist nicht schlecht für eine Messung in der 1790.) Für eine lange Zeit war das Messgerät genau definiert als die Länge eines tatsächlichen Objekts, eine Bar, die am International Bureau of Gewichte und Maßnahmen in Paris. In den letzten Jahren wurden die SI-Basiseinheiten (mit einer Ausnahme) abstrakt definiert, so dass sie in einem gut ausgestatteten Labor auf jede gewünschte Genauigkeit reproduziert werden können. Die 17. Allgemeine Konferenz über Gewichte und Maße 1983 definierte das Messgerät als die Distanz, die die Lichtgeschwindigkeit in einem Vakuum von genau 299 792 458 Metern pro Sekunde ausmacht. Die Lichtgeschwindigkeit im Vakuum, c. Ist eine der Grundkonstanten der Natur. Da c nun das Messgerät definiert, werden Experimente zur Messung der Lichtgeschwindigkeit nun als Messungen des Messgerätes interpretiert. Der Zähler entspricht etwa 1.093 613 3 Yards. 3,280 840 Fuß. Oder 39,370 079 Zoll. Sein Name stammt aus dem lateinischen Metrum und dem griechischen Metron. Beide Bedeutungsmaß. Das Gerät ist buchstabiert Meter in den USA und Meter in Großbritannien gibt es viele andere Schreibweisen in verschiedenen Sprachen (siehe Rechtschreibung von metrischen Einheiten). Meter-Atmosphäre ein anderer Name für den Atmometer. Meterlambert oder meter-lambert einen anderen Namen für die nit. Eine MKS-Einheit mit einer Luminanz von einer Candela pro Quadratmeter. Der Name ist in Analogie zum Footlambert geprägt. Meter pro Sekunde (ms) die metrische und SI-Einheit der Geschwindigkeit oder Geschwindigkeit. Ein Meter pro Sekunde entspricht genau 3,6 Kilometern pro Stunde (kmh) oder etwa 2,236 936 Meilen pro Stunde oder 3,280 840 Fuß pro Sekunde. Methuselah eine große Weinflasche, die ungefähr 6 Liter, 8mal das Volumen einer regelmäßigen Flasche hält. Metonische Zyklus eine Einheit der Zeit gleich 19 Jahre, in der Astronomie bei der Vorhersage der Phasen des Mondes verwendet. Durch Zufall, 19 Jahre ist gleich 6939.602 Tage und 235 Mondmonate ist gleich 6939.689 Tage, nur 125 Minuten länger. Infolgedessen wiederholen sich die Phasen des Mondes fast genau nach 19 Jahren. (Seit 19 Jahren können 3 oder 4 Schalttage enthalten, die Wiederholung ist nicht immer genau wie am Tag des Monats.) Viele Mondkalender, wie die chinesischen und jüdischen Kalender, teilen diese 19-Jahres-Zyklus. Der Zyklus ist für den antiken griechischen Astronomen Meton benannt, der ihn zuerst für Prognosen um 433 v. Chr. Benutzte. Metrischen Karat der aktuellen international anerkannten Karat. Genau genau 200 Milligramm. Metrische Korn eine Einheit der Masse manchmal von Juwelieren verwendet, gleich 50 Milligramm oder 14 Karat. Diese Maßeinheit wird häufig für Perlen benutzt und wird manchmal das Perlenkorn genannt. Metrische Pferdestärken eine Einheit der Macht, definiert als die Macht erforderlich, um eine Masse von 75 Kilogramm mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1 Meter pro Sekunde zu erhöhen. Dieses ist ungefähr 735.499 Watt oder 0.986 32 Pferdestärken. Die Einheit ist auf Französisch als cheval vapeur bekannt. Auf Spanisch als caballo de vapor. Und in Deutsch als Pferdestaumlrke. Metrischen Hundertstel eine ungezwungene Einheit der Masse gleich 50 Kilogramm oder ungefähr 110.231 Pfund, in der Nähe der traditionellen britischen Zentner von 112 Pfund. Dieses Gerät ist auch unter dem deutschen Namen zentner bekannt. Oder (in englischer Sprache) der Centner. Metrischen Meile eine informelle Einheit der Distanz verwendet, vor allem in der Leichtathletik. Die metrische Meile ist gleich 1500 Meter oder 1,5 Kilometer (ungefähr 0.932 057 Statutenmeile oder 4921.26 Fuß). In U. S. High School Wettbewerb der Begriff wird manchmal für ein Rennen von 1600 Metern (0,994 194 Meilen oder 5249.34 Fuß) verwendet. Metrischen Pfund einen informellen Namen für eine Masse von 500 Gramm (0,5 Kilogramm oder 1,1023 Pfund). Metrischen Quintal eine Einheit der Masse gleich 1 Dezitonne, 100 Kilogramm oder etwa 220.462 Pfund. Eine vollständige Beschreibung finden Sie im Quintal. Metrische Schnecke siehe TME oder hyl. Metrische Tonne (t oder MT) einen alternativen Namen für die Tonne. In den Vereinigten Staaten empfiehlt das Handelsministerium, dass die Tonne die metrische Tonne genannt wird, um sie klar von der traditionellen amerikanischen Tonne zu unterscheiden. Das richtige Symbol für das Gerät ist einfach t. Metrische ton unit (mtu) eine Maßeinheit, die im Bergbau verwendet wird, um die Masse des wertvollen Metalls in einem Erz zu messen. Üblicherweise wird die metrische Tonneneinheit als eine metrische Tonne Erz definiert, die 1 Metall enthält, aber es ist das Metall, nicht das Erz, das gemessen wird. Die Einheit ist also eine Masseeinheit von 10 Kilogramm (22,0462 Pfund). MeV das Symbol für eine Million Elektronenvolt. Dank der Einsteins-Gleichung E mc 2, die die Masse-Energie angibt, kann die MeV als eine Energieeinheit betrachtet werden, die 160.217 646 2 Femtojoules entspricht. Oder als Masseeinheit gleich 1,782 662 x 10 -27 Gramm oder 0,001 073 544 Atommasse. Das ist 1.956 951 mal die Masse des Elektrons (m e). MFD, mfd gemeinsame, aber falsche Symbole für das Mikrofarad (siehe unten). Das korrekte Symbol ist 181F oder mcF, wenn 181 nicht verfügbar ist. Mg - bei einem veralteten Symbol für Milligramm-Atom, ein ebenso veralteter Name für das Millimol (mmol). Mgd eine Abkürzung für Millionen von Gallonen pro Tag (Mgald), eine Einheit, die im Reservoir-Management verwendet wird, um die Geschwindigkeit auszudrücken, bei der Wasser zum Alkohol trinken oder für einen anderen Zweck entnommen werden kann. 1 Mgd entspricht etwa 3,785 43 Megalitern pro Tag oder 3785,43 Kubikmeter pro Tag oder 133 681 Kubikfuß pro Tag. mgdl symbol for milligram per deciliter, a unit used in U. S. medicine to measure the concentration of cholesterol and other substances in the blood. 1 mgdl equals 0.01 grams per liter (gL). Internationally, the SI unit for data of this type is millimoles per liter (mmolL) see the table of SI Units for Clinical Data for conversions of many common measurements. mg-eq an obsolete symbol for milligram equivalent, an equally obsolete name for the milliequivalent (mEq). mgkg symbol for milligram per kilogram, a unit used in medicine to measure dosage rates. 1 mgkg is equivalent to 10 -6 gg or 1 part per million based on the patients body weight. mgon symbol for the milligon (milligrad), a unit of angle measure equal to 0.001 gon. 10 -5 right angle, 0.0009deg, 3.24 seconds of arc, or 15.708 microradians (microrad). Surveying equipment is often marked in quotmgons. quot mho an older name for the siemens. which is defined to be the reciprocal of the ohm. In case you didnt notice already, mho is ohm spelt backwards. mic an informal name for the microgram, pronounced mike. mickey a unit used in computer science in programming mice and similar input devices. One mickey is the length of the smallest detectable movement of the mouse. This depends on the equipment. Typical values are in the range 1200 to 1300 inch or roughly 0.1 millimeter. Obviously, the name comes from the Disney cartoon character Mickey Mouse. micro - (181- or mc - or u-) a metric prefix meaning 10 -6 (one millionth). The prefix comes from the Greek prefix mikro -, meaning small. In print the prefix is sometimes abbreviated mc - or u - when the Greek letter mu (181) is not available. microampere ( 181A) a unit of electric current equal to 10 -6 ampere. microarcsecond ( 181 as) a unit of angle measurement sometimes used in astronomy. The microarcsecond equals 10 -6 arcsecond or about 4.8481 picoradian. microbar ( 181bar) a CGS unit of pressure equal to 0.001 millibar, 0.1 pascal. 1 dyne per square centimeter (1 barye ), or about 0.002 089 pounds per square foot. The microbar is used commonly in acoustics and sound engineering. microcurie ( 181 Ci) a common unit of radioactivity. The microcurie equals 10 -6 curie or 37 kilobecquerels this corresponds to a radioactivity of 37 000 atomic disintegrations per second. microdegree ( 181 deg) 91193 a unit of angle measure equal to a millionth of a degree or exactly 36 milliarcseconds. microeinstein (microE) a unit of light energy concentration used in measuring the flux or density of light or any form of electromagnetic radiation. The microeinstein is equal to 10 -6 einstein or one micromole of photons. The density of photosynthetically active radiation, for example, is reported in microeinsteins per second per square meter (microEsmiddotm 2 ). microequivalent ( 181 Eq or 181 eq) a unit of relative amount of substance equal to 10 -6 equivalent weight. This unit is used, for example, in stating the concentrations of ions in drinking water. microfarad ( 181F) a common unit of electric capacitance equal to 10 -6 farad. microflick (microf) a unit of spectral radiance used in optical and communications engineering, equal to 10 -6 flick. or 1 microwatt per steradian per square centimeter of surface per micrometer of span in wavelength. This is mathematically equivalent to 10 milliwatts per steradian per cubic meter. microgram ( 181g or mcg) a metric unit of mass equal to 0.001 milligram (mg) or one millionth of a gram. Ingredients of drugs and vitamins are often stated in micrograms. microgray ( 181 Gy) a unit of radiation dose equal to a millionth of a gray or 0.1 millirad. Small doses of this size are often provided by natural sources in the environment. microinch ( 181in) a traditional unit of distance equal to 10 -6 inch, 0.001 mil, or 25.4 nanometers (nm). The microinch is used rather widely to state the roughness of optical surfaces, precise tolerances in machining, and for other industrial purposes. microliter ( 181l, 181L, mcl, or mcL) a metric unit of volume equal to 0.001 milliliter or 1 cubic millimeter (mm 3 ). Microliters are used in chemistry and medicine to measure very small quantities of liquid. This unit has also been called the lambda . micrometer ( 181m) a common metric unit of distance equal to 0.001 millimeter or about 0.039 370 mil. The name micron is also used for this unit. micromicro - ( 181181-) an obsolete metric prefix denoting 10 -12. The prefix has been replaced by pico - (p-). micromicrofarad ( 181181F or mmfd) an older name for the picofarad (10 -12 farad ). Though it is obsolete now, this name is still seen marked on many capacitors. micromicron ( 181181) a former name for a millionth of a micron, that is, 10 -12 meter. The name bicron was also used for this unit, which is now called the picometer (pm). micromole ( 181mol) a unit of amount of substance equal to a millionth of a mole (see below). This unit is used very commonly in biochemistry, since a mole of a large organic molecule can be quite a large amount. micron (181) 91193 a metric unit of distance equal to one millionth of a meter. Micron is simply a shorter name for the micrometer. In 1968 the CGPM decided to drop the micron as an approved unit and recommend that micrometers be used instead. Microns, however, are still in common use. micron (181) 91293 an informal unit of pressure widely used in vacuum technology. In this use, a micron is a micron of mercury, that is, 0.001 mm Hg or approximately 1.333 microbars (181bar or 181b) or 133.3 millipascals (mPa). For all practical purposes, 1 micron is identical to 1 millitorr (mTorr). micronewton ( 181 N) a unit of force equal to a millionth of a newton or 0.1 dyne. The unit is often used in astronautical engineering to describe the tiny forces applied to spacecraft to adjust their attitudes in space. micropascal (microPa) an SI unit of pressure equal to 10 -6 pascal or 1 micronewton per square meter. This very small unit is used to measure the pressure of sound waves. micropoise (181P, 181Po, or 181Ps) a unit of dynamic viscosity used primarily for describing the viscosities of gases. One micropoise equals 10 -6 poise or 10 -7 pascal second (Pa183s). microrad ( 181rad) a unit of radiation dose equal to a millionth of a rad or 10 nanograys. microradian ( 181rad) a unit of angle measure equal to 10 -6 radian. The microradian equals about 0.208 533 milliarcsecond (mas). microrem ( 181rem) a unit of effective radiation dose equal to a millionth of a rem or 10 nanosieverts. Doses in this range are much smaller than those provided by natural sources of radioactivity in the environment. microsecond ( 181 s or 181 sec) a unit of time equal to a millionth of a second. microsievert ( 181Sv) a unit of radiation dose equal to 10 -6 sievert or 0.1 millirem. The radiation doses resulting from exposure to natural sources such as radon gas in the atmosphere are often measured in this unit. microstrain (microstrain) a common engineering unit measuring strain. An object under strain is typically deformed (extended or compressed), and the strain is measured by the amount of this deformation relative to the same object in an undeformed state. One microstrain is the strain producing a deformation of one part per million (10 -6 ). microtesla ( 181 T or mcT) a common unit of magnetic field intensity equal to 10 -6 tesla. The unit is widely used to measure the strength of electromagnetic fields generated by powerlines or electronic equipment. By comparison, the strength of the Earths own magnetic field at the surface is about 50 microteslas. One microtesla equals 0.01 gauss. microvolt (V or mcV) a unit of electric potential equal to 10 -6 volt. This unit is used in cardiology and other medical fields to measure the small potentials within the nervous system. middy an informal unit of volume for beer used in many Australian pubs. A middy is generally 285 milliliters (or 10 British fluid ounces), larger than a pony but smaller than a schooner. miglio the traditional Italian mile. The miglio equals 1628 yards, which is 0.925 English mile or about 1488.6 meters. This is 32 yards (29.3 meters) shorter than the classical Roman mile. miil or mijl alternate spellings for the Scandinavian mil 91493 (see below). mil 91193 a unit of distance equal to 0.001 inch: a milli-inch, in other words. Mils are used, primarily in the U. S. to express small distances and tolerances in engineering work. One mil is exactly 25.4 microns, just as one inch is exactly 25.4 millimeters. This unit is also called the thou . With the increasing use of metric units in the U. S. many machinists now avoid the use of quotmilquot because that term is also a handy slang for the millimeter. mil 91293 a unit of angle measure, used in the military for artillery settings. At one time the U. S. Army used a mil equal to 11000 of a right angle, 0.1 grad, 0.09176, or 5.4 arcminutes (often written 5.4 moa see moa below). Later this was changed to 11600 right angle, or 0.05625176 (3.375 moa). In target shooting, the mil is often understood to mean 0.001 radian or 1 milliradian, which is about 0.0573176 or 3.43775 moa. In Britain, the term angular mil generally refers to the milliradian. 1 milliradian corresponds to a target size of 10 millimeters at a range of 10 meters, or 3.6 inches at 100 yards. mil 91393 a common slang name for the milliliter (mL) or the millimeter (mm). mil 91493 in Scandinavia, the mil, pronounced like meal in English, is a traditional distance unit considerably longer than Roman or English miles. In Denmark, the traditional mil was 24 000 Danish feet, which is 4.6805 miles or 7.5325 kilometers (this is the same as the north German meile see above). The Danish mil has sometimes been interpreted as exactly 7.5 kilometers (4.6603 miles). In Sweden, the traditional mil was 36 000 Swedish feet, which is 6.641 miles or 10.687 kilometers. In Sweden and Norway the mil is now interpreted as a metric unit equal to exactly 10 kilometers (6.2137 miles). See also sjmil . mil 91593 an alternate spelling of the mill 91193 (see below). mile (mi) 91193 a traditional unit of distance. The word comes from the Latin word for 1000, mille . because originally a mile was the distance a Roman legion could march in 1000 paces (or 2000 steps, a pace being the distance between successive falls of the same foot). There is some uncertainty about the length of the Roman mile. Based on the Roman foot of 29.6 centimeters and assuming a standard pace of 5 Roman feet, the Roman mile would have been 1480 meters (4856 feet) however, the measured distance between surviving milestones of Roman roads is often closer to 1520 meters or 5000 feet. In any case, miles of similar lengths were used throughout Western Europe. In medieval England, several mile units were used, including a mile of 5000 feet (1524 meters), the modern mile defined as 8 furlongs (1609 meters), and a longer mile similar to the French mille (1949 meters). None of these units corresponded with the Scottish mile (1814 meters) or the Irish mile (2048 meters). In 1592, Parliament settled the question in England by defining the statute mile to be 8 furlongs. 80 chains. 320 rods 1, 1760 yards or 5280 feet. Using the international definition of the foot as exactly 30.48 centimeters, the international statute mile is exactly 1609.344 meters. (In technical U. S. usage, the statute mile is defined in terms of the survey foot and equals about 1609.3472 meters this unit is called the survey mile ). In athletics, races of 1500 or 1600 meters are often called metric miles . See also nautical mile. mile (mi) 91293 an informal name for mile per hour, sometimes seen on U. S. road signs with markings such as Speed Limit 25 miles. mile per gallon (migal or mpg) 1 the unit customarily used in the United States to measure the fuel efficiency of motor vehicles. 1 mile per U. S. gallon 1 equals about 0.4252 kilometers per liter. In most other countries, however, the usual measure of fuel consumption is liters per 100 kilometers x miles per U. S. gallon is equal to 235.215 x liters per 100 kilometers. mile per gallon (migal or mpg) 2 the unit formerly used in Britain, Canada, Australia, and other British Commonwealth nations to measure the fuel efficiency of motor vehicles, analogous to the U. S. unit but based on the Imperial gallon 3. Although still used sometimes, this unit has been replaced officially by liters per 100 kilometers x miles per Imperial gallon is equal to 282.481 x liters per 100 kilometers. One mile per Imperial gallon is equal to about 0.8327 mile per U. S. gallon. mile per hour (mih or mph) a traditional unit of velocity. One mile per hour equals exactly 2215 feet per second, approximately 1.609 kilometers per hour (kmh), or exactly 0.447 04 meter per second (ms). mil-foot a mil-foot is a section of wire one foot long and one mil in diameter this would be a unit of volume equal to about 0.0377 cubic inches or 0.6178 cubic centimeters. However, the unit is used primarily in statements of resistivity in ohms per mil-foot or of density in pounds per mil-foot. The unit is also called the circular mil-foot . milha the traditional Portuguese mile, one of the longest miles of western Europe at 2282.75 yards (1.297 statute miles or 2087.3 meters). military pace another name for a step. In the U. S. Army, the military pace is defined to be exactly 30 inches (76.2 centimeters) for ordinary quick time marching and 36 inches (91.44 centimeters) for double time marching. The same definitions are generally used by marching bands. mill 91193 an informal unit of quantity or of proportion, equal to 0.001. When Congress established the U. S. monetary system in 1791, it provided for 10 mills to the cent and 100 cents to the dollar thus the mill was an amount of money equal to 0.001. Although the mill is unfamiliar now as a monetary unit, it has come to represent a one thousandth part as a proportion. Many towns in the United States set their property tax rates in mills, for example. mill 91293 slang for one million. milla the traditional Spanish mile, equal to 5000 pies (Spanish feet) or 8 estadios. This is about 1392 meters, 4567 feet. or 0.865 statute mile. mille 91193 the traditional French mile, equal to 1000 toises. This is equal to about 6394.4 feet. 1.211 statute mile, or 1949 meters. In modern France, the mille sometimes means the nautical mile ( mille marin ), equal to exactly 1852 meters. mille 91293 in French-speaking Canada, the English statute mile of 5280 feet (1609.344 meters). mille 91393 the Latin word for 1000, sometimes used in English in very learned or literary contexts. millenary a unit of quantity equal to 1000. millennium a traditional unit of time equal to 1000 years. The plural is millennia or sometimes millenniums . milli - (m-) a metric prefix meaning 0.001 (one thousandth). The prefix was coined from the Latin number mille . one thousand. milliampere (mA) a common unit of electric current equal to 0.001 ampere. milliampere hour (mA 183h) a common unit of electric charge, used (for example) in stating the capacity of batteries for cell phones and other electronic equipment. One milliampere hour is the charge accumulated by a current of 1 milliampere in 1 hour this is equal to exactly 3.6 coulombs (C). milliarcsecond (mas) a unit of angular measure commonly used in astronomy. One milliarcsecond is equal to 0.001 arcsecond, 0.277 77 microdegrees, or 4.848 137 nanoradians. milliard 91193 a unit of quantity equal to 10 9. which is what Americans call a billion. See Using Numbers and Units for more on the billion controversy. milliard 91293 a unit of volume used by engineers to describe a large quantity of water. One milliard equals one cubic kilometer, which is 1 billion (10 9 ) cubic meters or about 810 767 acre feet. millibar (mb) a common metric unit of atmospheric pressure, equal to 0.001 bar, 100 pascals. 1000 dynes cm 2. about 0.0295 inches (0.7501 millimeters) of mercury, or about 0.014 504 lbin 2. A millibar is the same thing as a hectopascal (hPa), and some weather agencies have replaced the millibar with the hectopascal in an effort to conform with the SI. However, many meteorologists resist this change and continue to use millibars. In fact, an appropriate SI unit for atmospheric pressure would be the kilopascal (10 millibars or 0.145 038 lbin 2 ). millicandela (mcd) a unit of light intensity equal to 0.001 candela. The intensity of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) used in electronics are stated in millicandelas. millicurie (mCi) a common unit of radioactivity. One millicurie represents radioactivity at the rate of 37 million atomic disintegrations per second, that is, 37 megabequerels. millidegree (mdeg) 91193 a unit of angle measure equal to 0.001176 or exactly 36 arcseconds. millidegree (mdeg) 91293 a unit of temperature equal to 0.001176, usually meaning 0.001 176C. milliequivalent (mEq or meq) a unit of relative amount of substance commonly used in chemistry. One mEq equals 0.001 equivalent weight. millier a former name for the tonne or metric ton. This name, obsolete now, was used in Britain to avoid confusion with the British long ton. millifarad ( mF) a common unit of electric capacitance equal to 0.001 farad. milligal (mGal or mgal) a unit of acceleration used in geology to measure subtle changes in gravitational acceleration. One milligal equals 10 micrometers per second per second, or 10 -5 meters per second per second. The unit should really be called the milligalileo. milligauss (mG) a unit of magnetic flux density equal to 0.001 gauss. 0.1 microtesla. or 100 nanoteslas. The magnetic fields generated by power lines and electronic equipment are often measured in milligauss. milligram (mg) a very common metric unit of mass equal to 0.001 gram or 1000 micrograms (181g or mcg). One milligram equals approximately 0.015432 grain or 35.274 x 10 -6 ounce. milligram per deciliter (mgdl or mgdL) a conventional unit in medicine for measuring concentrations of cholesterol and many other substances in the blood. Internationally, the SI unit for data of this type is millimoles per liter (mmolL) see the table of SI Units for Clinical Data for conversions of many common measurements. milligray (mGy) a common unit of radiation dose equal to 0.001 gray. 0.1 rad. or 1 millijoule of energy per kilogram of matter. Because the gray itself is such a large unit, many practical radiation measurements are made in milligrays. In particular, the exposures cause by X-ray equipment are typically in the milligray range. millihenry (mH) a common metric unit of electric inductance equal to 0.001 henry. millihg an informal name (pronounced millig) for the millimeter of mercury (see below). millihorsepower (mhp) a unit of power equal to 0.55 foot-pound per second or 0.7457 watt. This unit is commonly used to state the power of small electric motors. millijoule (mJ) a common metric unit of work or energy equal to 0.001 joule or 10 4 ergs. milli-k a unit used in nuclear engineering to describe the reactivity of a nuclear reactor. One milli-k is a reactivity of 0.001 or 0.1 the origin of the name is that k is a common symbol for reactivity. This unit was introduced in the Canadian nuclear power industry. For a discussion of reactivity, see inhour. millikelvin (mK) a unit of temperature equal to 0.001 kelvin or 0.001 degree Celsius (176C). This unit is used mostly by scientists investigating substances cooled very close to absolute zero. millilambert (mLb) a common metric unit of illumination equal to 0.001 lambert or 10 lux (lx). millilux (mlx) a metric unit of illumination equal to 0.001 lux. The natural illumination at night is measured in millilux. milliliter (ml or mL) a very common metric unit of volume. One milliliter equals 0.001 liter, exactly one cubic centimeter (cm 3 or cc), or approximately 0.061 023 7 cubic inch or 16.231 U. S. minims (see below). The milliliter is used almost entirely for measuring the volumes of liquids, with solids being measured in cubic centimeters. Note: until 1964 the milliliter was equal to 1.000 028 cubic centimeters see liter for a discussion of this history. millimass unit (mu or mmu) a unit of mass equal to 0.001 atomic mass unit. used in physics and chemistry. This unit is also called the millidalton (mDa). The millimass unit is an SI unit, but its proper SI symbol is mu . not the older symbol mmu . millimeter (mm) a very common metric unit of distance. One millimeter equals 0.001 meter, 0.1 centimeter, about 0.039 370 inch, or 39.370 mils. millimeter of mercury (mm Hg) a unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earths surface by a column of mercury 1 millimeter high. When a traditional mercury barometer is used, the pressure is read directly as the height of the mercury column in millimeters. One millimeter of pressure is equivalent to approximately 0.03937 in Hg. 0.01933 lbfin 2. 1.333 millibars. or 133.3 pascals. In medicine, blood pressure is traditionally recorded in mm Hg. In engineering, the millimeter of mercury is often replaced by the torr. the two units being equal to within 1 part per million. Hg, the chemical symbol for mercury, is taken from the Latin hydrargyrum . water-silver, describing the silvery liquid metal. millimeter of water (mmH 2 O, mm WC, mm CE, mm WS) a unit of pressure equal to the pressure exerted at the Earths surface by a column of water 1 millimeter high. This is a small pressure, about 9.8067 pascals. 0.098 067 millibars. 0.03937 inch of water, or 0.204 pounds per square foot. The French symbol is mm CE ( colonne deau ), and the German symbol is mm WS ( Wassersaumlule ). millimeter of water gauge (mm WG) another common name for the millimeter of water column. The word gauge (or gage) after a pressure reading indicates that the pressure stated is actually the difference between the absolute, or total, pressure and the air pressure at the time of the reading. millimicro - (m181-) an obsolete metric prefix denoting 10 -9 or one billionth. This prefix has been replaced by nano - (n-). millimicron (m181) a former metric unit of distance equal to 0.001 micron or 10 -9 meter. The millimicron has been replaced by its equivalent, the nanometer (nm). millimole ( mmol) a very common unit of amount of substance equal to 0.001 mole (see below). millimole per liter (mmoll or mmolL) the SI unit in medicine for measuring concentrations of cholesterol and many other substances in the blood. A table is provided for conversion of conventional units, such as milligrams per deciliter (mgdL), to SI units. milline a traditional unit of advertising. One milline equals the height of a line of agate type (5.5 points, or about 2 mm) times the width of a column times one million copies of the publication. millinewton (mN) a metric unit of force equal to 0.001 newton. 100 dynes. or about 0.101 972 gram of force (gf). millinile a unit used in British nuclear engineering to describe the reactivity of a nuclear reactor. One millinile is a reactivity of 10 -5. For a discussion of reactivity, see inhour. millioctave (mO) a unit used in music to describe the ratio in frequency between notes. The difference between two frequencies in millioctaves is equal to 1000 times the base-2 logarithm of the ratio between the two frequences. One millioctave equals exactly 1.2 cents 3 or about 0.30103 savart. If two notes differ by 1 millioctave, the ratio between their frequencies is 2 11000 or approximately 1.000 6934. millioersted (mOe) a name sometimes used for the milligauss as a unit of magnetic flux density. milliosmole (mOsm) a unit of osmotic pressure, equal to 0.001 osmole. commonly used in biology and medicine. milliparsec (mpc) a unit of distance in astronomy equal to 0.001 parsec. Used in studying crowded parts of the universe such as globular clusters and galactic centers, the milliparsec is equal to about 206.265 astronomical units. 11.913 light days, or 30.8568 terameters (30.8568 x 10 9 kilometers or 49.6486 million miles). millipascal (mPa) an SI unit of pressure equal to 0.001 pascal or 1 millinewton per square meter. This very small unit is used to measure the pressure of sound waves. millipascal second (mPa183s) an SI unit of dynamic viscosity equal to the centipoise (cP). This unit is gradually replacing the centipoise in many contexts. milliphot (mph) a unit of illuminance or illumination equal to 0.001 phot or 10 lux. millipoise (mP, mPs, or mPo) a metric unit of dynamic viscosity equal to 0.001 poise or 0.1 millipascal second (mPa183s). millirad ( mrad) a unit of radiation dose equal to 0.001 rad or 10 micrograys. milliradian (mrad) a unit of angle measure equal to 0.001 radian. The milliradian equals about 0.057 296176, 3.437 75 arcminutes, or 3 26.265. In Britain this unit is often called the angular mil . millirem (mrem) a common unit of radiation dose equal to 0.001 rem or 10 microsieverts (181Sv). A millirem is roughly the radiation dose you would receive from wearing a luminous dial watch for a year. millisecond (ms or msec) a common unit of time equal to 0.001 second. millisiemens (mS) a common unit of conductance equal to 0.001 siemens or 1 milliampere of current per volt of potential difference. The millisiemens is often used to measure the salinity of seawater or brackish water, since adding salt to water makes it much more conductive of electricity. millisievert (mSv) a unit commonly used to measure radiation dose. One millisievert equals 0.001 sievert or 0.1 rem. millitesla ( m T) a common unit of magnetic field intensity equal to 0.001 tesla or 10 gauss. Since the tesla is quite a large unit, many practical measurements are made in milliteslas. millivolt (mV) a common unit of electric potential equal to 0.001 volt. milliwatt (mW) a common unit of power equal to 0.001 watt. milliwatt hour (mW183h) a common metric unit of work or energy, representing the energy delivered at a rate of one milliwatt for a period of one hour. This is equivalent to exactly 3.6 joules (J) of energy, or about 0.003 412 Btu. 0.859 846 (small) calories. or about 2.655 foot pounds. mina a historic unit of weight, originating in Babylonia and used throughout the eastern Mediterranean. The mina is roughly comparable to the pound. but over the centuries it varied quite a bit. In Babylonian times it was a large unit, roughly 2 pounds, almost as much as a kilogram. The Hebrew mina, frequently mentioned in the Bible, is estimated at 499 grams (1.10 pounds). The Greek mina was equal to 100 drachmai or 431 grams (0.95 pound). In Biblical times the mina was equal to 60 shekels, and there were 60 minas in a talent. miners inch a traditional unit of water flow in the western United States. The unit originally represented streamflow through an opening one inch (25.4 mm) square at a specified distance below the surface of the water this distance varied from 4 to 6 inches. In Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Utah, and Washington the miners inch is legally defined to equal 9 gallons per minute or 1.2 cubic feet per minute (about 34.07 liters per minute). In Arizona, California, Montana, Nevada, and Oregon the definition is 1.5 cubic feet per minute (42.48 Lmin). In Colorado, the legal equivalent is 1.5625 cubic feet per minute (44.25 Lmin). See also water inch. - minex a suffix used to create small numbers. The number n - minex is 10 - n . which is 0.000. 0001 with a total of n -1 zeros between the decimal marker and the 1. Thus one millionth (0.000001), for example, is 6-minex. See also dex and - plex. minim (m or min) 91193 a traditional unit of volume used for very small quantities of liquids. In pharmacy, the term drop traditionally meant the same thing as 1 minim. The minim is defined to be 160 fluid dram or 1480 fluid ounce. The U. S. minim is equal to about 0.003 760 cubic inch or 61.610 microliters, while the British minim is equal to about 0.003 612 cubic inch or 59.194 microliters. As you might guess, the word comes from the Latin minimus . small. minim 91293 a unit of relative time in music equal to 12 whole note (a half note) or 14 breve. minipin an informal unit of volume for beer and other alcoholic beverages, used mostly in Britain. A minipin is 12 of a polypin this is about 17 Imperial pints or 10 liters (roughly 2.64 U. S. gallons). minute () 91093 a historic unit of proportion equal to 160. The Romans lacked our flexible terminology for fractions they followed Babylonian and Greek practice in visualizing quantities as being divided into 60 parts, so they could express fractions consistently in 60ths. A 60th part was called a pars minuta prima (first small part) of the whole. For smaller fractions, a 60th part was divided into 60 smaller parts, each called a pars minuta secunda (second small part). The minuta prima has come down to us as minute, the minuta secunda is our second, and the prima leads to the traditional symbol being called a prime. minute (min or or m) 91193 a unit of time equal to 60 seconds or to 160 hour. The SI specifies min as the symbol for the time unit and as the symbol for the minute of arc (see below). minute ( or m or moa) 91293 or minute of arc or minute of angle a unit of angular measure equal to 60 arcseconds or to 160 degree. This unit is often called the arcminute to distinguish it from the minute of time. There are 21 600 arcminutes in a circle. The SI defines min as the symbol for the time unit (see above) and recommends as the symbol for the minute of arc. The symbol moa is often used in target shooting. The international standard ISO 31 requires that angles be stated in degrees and decimal fractions of the degree, without use of arcminutes and arcseconds. minute ( or m) 91393 a unit of angular measure used in astronomy. Astronomers measure right ascension (see hour 2) in time units by dividing the equator into 24 hours instead of 360 degrees. This makes 1 minute of right ascension equal to 15 arcminutes. minute 91493 a unit of time equal to 160 day or 24 minutes in the modern sense. This was the original definition of the minute as a unit of time. The modern definition of 160 hour did not appear until the invention of mechanical clocks made it practical to measure such small intervals of time. minute (min or m or ) 91593 a unit of sidereal time in astronomy see sidereal day. minutum in medieval times, a unit of time equal to 110 hour, or 6 minutes in modern terminology. This unit was divided into 4 moments (see below). minyan a traditional Hebrew unit of quantity equal to 10, the number of males aged 13 or over required for a Jewish worship service. (In many modern congregations, both males and females can be included in a minyan.) mips a unit of computing power equal to one million instructions per second. An instruction is a single program command to the computers central processor. In a particular computer, there is a definite relationship between the rate at which instructions are processed, in mips, and the clock speed of the processor, measured in megahertz (MHz). However, this relationship varies considerably between computers, so it is usually not meaningful to compare the mips rates of dissimilar machines. See also megaflops (above). mired a name used in colorimetry for the reciprocal megakelvin (MK -1 ). The word is an acronym for micro-reciprocal degree it is pronounced my-red . in two syllables. MIU symbol for one million international units. Dosages of certain drugs, such as various forms of interferon, are commonly stated in this unit. MJD see modified Julian day (below). mKB symbol for meters from the Kelly bushing, used in the oil and gas industry to indicate the length of a bored well as measured from the large bushing at the top of the shaft. Since the drilling is usually not exactly vertical, this measurement will be larger than the actual depth of the bottom of the well. The symbol mTVD is often used for true vertical depth. mkono a traditional unit of distance in East Africa, standardized under British rule as 12 yard (18 inches. or 45.72 centimeters). This unit is an African version of the cubit. mkp a common symbol for the meter kilopond. a metric unit of torque equal to 9.806 65 newton meters (N183m) or 7.233 01 pound feet. Mlb, Mlbs (1) common symbols for one million pounds. Although quotMlbsquot is seen frequently, symbols need not take the terminal - s in the plural and this dictionary takes the position that they should not quotMlbquot is correct. (Also note that the quotlquot is not capitalized in the symbol for the pound.) Mlb (2) a traditional unit of mass for steam, equal to 1000 (not one million) pounds. This is one of many uses of the Roman numeral M to represent a multiple of 1000 all these uses should be replaced by the metric prefix k - (kilo-). mM a common symbol in chemistry for millimolar, that is, millimoles per liter. The SI does not allow the use of this symbol. MM an abbreviation for one million, seen in a few traditional units such as those listed below. The abbreviation is meant to indicate one thousand thousand, M being the Roman numeral 1000. However, MM actually means 2000, not one million, in Roman numeration. Since the single letter M is now used commonly for one million, the use of MM is confusing and strongly discouraged. mm an abbreviation for by mass, used in chemistry and pharmacology to describe the concentration of a substance in a mixture or solution. 2 mm means that the mass of the substance is 2 of the total mass of the solution or mixture. MMb, MMbo symbols for one million barrels of oil see megabarrel above. MMBF or MMBM symbols sometimes used in U. S. forestry for one million board feet. One MMBF represents a volume of 83 333 cubic feet or 2360 cubic meters. BM stands for board measure. MMBtu a traditional symbol for one million Btu (about 1.055 057 gigajoules (GJ)), a unit used widely in the energy industry. This unit is also called the dekatherm . MMcf a symbol for one million cubic feet (28 316.85 m 3. or 28.316 85 megaliters). Similarly, MMMcf is used for one billion cubic feet. MMcfe a symbol used in the natural gas industry for one million cubic feet of gas equivalent (cfe ). This is really an energy unit equal to about 1.091 terajoules (TJ). Similarly, MMMcfe is used for one billion cubic feet of gas equivalent: 1.091 petajoules (PJ). MMcps a symbol used for one million centipoises. a unit of dynamic viscosity. This is a jarring addition of an obsolete English prefix to a metric unit, and its use cannot be recommended. 1 MMcps equals 10 000 poises or 10 kilopoises (kP or kps). mmg an obsolete symbol for the microgram, mmg stands for quotmillimilligram, quot that is, 0.001 milligram. This symbol should never be used. The SI symbol for the microgram is g, and an acceptable alternate (often used in medicine) is mcg. mmHg symbol for the millimeter of mercury (see above), a unit of pressure equal to 133.3 pascals. MMM an abbreviation for one billion (10 9 ), seen in a few traditional units such as those mentioned above. The abbreviation is meant to indicate one thousand thousand thousand, M being the Roman numeral 1000. However, MMM actually means 3000, not one billion, in Roman numeration. MMscfd symbol for one million standard cubic feet per day, the customary unit for measuring the production and flow of natural gas. Standard means that the measurement is adjusted to standard temperature (60 176F or 15.6 176C) and pressure (1 atmosphere ). - mo a unit traditionally used in printing to describe the page size of a book or other publication. In traditional printing, large sheets are printed, folded, and then cut to manufacture the book. After the cut is made, the sheet has been divided into a certain number of leaves. Each leaf, folded at the spine of the book, comprises two pages front and back. When sheets were cut to form 4, 8, or 12 leaves, the resulting pages were described as quarto (4to), octavo (8vo) or duodecimo (12mo), respectively. Later, the suffix - mo from duodecimo was made into a suffix that can be attached to any number to indicate the number of leaves per sheet thus 16mo indicates 16 leaves per sheet. Link: book sizes. from Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books. by Matt T. Roberts and Don Etherington, posted by Stanford University. moa an acronym for minute of angle, that is, for the arcminute (see minute 91293, above). This unit is commonly used in target shooting to express the angular size of targets or the spacing between marks on a reticle (the grid of lines seen in the eyepiece of a rifle). By coincidence, 1 moa is very nearly equal to a target size of 1 inch at 100 yards in fact, 1 moa 1.047 20 inches at 100 yards or 10.4720 inches at 1000 yards. In metric units, 1 moa 2.9089 centimeters at 100 meters. modified Julian day (MJD) a count of days used by astronomers, space agencies, and others. Astronomers have long used the Julian day. a count of days beginning at noon Universal Time January 1, 4713 BC, as a means of specifying a date independent of all calendars. One problem with this is that the numbers are large, more than 2.4 million, for current dates. Also, the old astronomical custom of beginning a day at noon is awkward for converting Julian dates to the ordinary calendar. To ease these problems, space engineers introduced the modified Julian date, equal to the Julian date minus 2 400 000.5. The result is a count of days beginning at 0 hours (midnight) Universal Time on 17 November 1858. Thus (for example) 0 hours 1 January 2005 is MJD 53371.0. module a unit of volume for raw cotton in the U. S. When cotton is harvested, machinery is used to compact it into bundles called modules for transportation to the gin. A cotton module is 8 ft by 8 ft by 20 ft, or 1280 cubic feet (about 36.25 cubic meters). This unit is essentially the same as the TEU. the volume of a standard 20 ft container. Mohs hardness scale a 1-10 scale for estimating the hardness of a mineral, introduced by the German geologist Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839) in 1812. To apply the scale, one attempts to scratch the mineral with standard minerals assigned hardness numbers as follows: diamond 10, corundum 9, topaz 8, quartz 7, orthoclase 6, apatite 5, fluorite 4, calcite 3, gypsum 2, and talc 1. If, for example, the mineral is scratched by quartz but not by orthoclase, then its hardness is between 6 and 7. moiety another name for a half, from the French moitieacute . molad Hebrew name for the lunar (synodic) month (see month 91193 below). This unit, 29.530 59 days, is crucial in the regulation of the Jewish lunisolar calendar. molal (m), molar (M) these notations, traditionally used by chemists to describe the concentration of chemical solutions, often appear to be units of measurement. Its easy to get them confused. The term molal describes the concentration of a solution in moles per kilogram of solvent (molkg), while molar describes a concentration in moles per liter (molL). A solution described as 1.0 181M has a concentration of 1.0 181molL. These units are not approved by the General Conference on Weights and Measures. Their use is declining, but still substantial. molar volume a unit used by chemists and physicists to measure the volumes of gases. The behavior of gases under ordinary conditions (not at very high pressures or very low temperatures) is governed by the Ideal Gas Law. This law says that the volume V of a gas is related to its temperature T and pressure P by the formula PV nRT, where n is the number of moles of gas present and the gas constant R equals 8.314 joules per mole per kelvin. The molar volume is the volume one mole of gas occupies at standard temperature (273.16 kelvins, or 0 176C) and standard pressure (1 atmosphere. or 101.325 kilopascals ). The molar volume is equal to 22.414 liters or 0.7915 cubic foot. (Occasionally the term molar volume is used for the volume occupied by a mole of a substance which is not a gas in such cases the molar volume will be different for each substance.) mole (mol) the SI base unit of the amount of a substance (as distinct from its mass or weight). Moles measure the actual number of atoms or molecules in an object. An earlier name is gram molecular weight . because one mole of a chemical compound is the same number of grams as the molecular weight of a molecule of that compound measured in atomic mass units. The official definition, adopted as part of the SI system in 1971, is that one mole of a substance contains just as many elementary entities (atoms, molecules, ions, or other kinds of particles) as there are atoms in 12 grams of carbon-12 (carbon-12 is the most common atomic form of carbon, consisting of atoms having 6 protons and 6 neutrons). The actual number of elementary entities in a mole is called Avogadros number after the Italian chemist and physicist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856). Careful measurement determines Avogadros number to be approximately 602.214 179 x 10 21. In the American system of naming big numbers, thats 602 sextillion 214 quintillion 179 quadrillion, give or take about 50 quadrillion. moment a medieval unit of time equal to 140 hour or 1.5 minutes. This meaning has come down to us only as a brief interval of time. The moment was divided into 12 ounces 91493 of 7.5 seconds each. momme 91193 a traditional Japanese weight unit corresponding to the Chinese mace (see above). Jewelers continue to use the momme to measure the weight of cultured pearls for this purpose it equals exactly 3.75 grams (about 0.132 ounce ) or 18.75 carats. The unit is commonly pronounced mommy in English. momme 91293 a traditional unit used to measure the weight (density per unit area) of silk. The measure is the weight in momme 91193 of a standard strip of silk 25 yards long by 1.49 inches wide, an area of 1341 square inches or about 0.8652 square meter. This makes the silk momme equal to about 3.62 grams per square yard or 4.33 grams per square meter. MON abbreviation for motor octane number. See octane number. mondo point another name for a millimeter, when used to measure shoe and boot sizes. Ski boots, for example, are sized in mondo points. month (mo or mon) 91193 a unit of time marked by the revolution of the Moon around the Earth. In many traditional societies the appearance of the first tiny crescent moon after the New Moon signaled the start of the month. This start of the month, based on the first appearance of the Moon, is still proclaimed from mosques in Islamic countries. Thus the lunar month is defined as the average interval between two successive moments of New Moon. Astronomers call this period the synodic month . Its length is 29.530 59 days. month (mo or mon) 91293 a civil unit of time equal to approximately 112 year, but varying from 28 to 31 days 3. The Sun and the Moon are our traditional time keepers, but they are badly out of step with each other. A solar year equals approximately 12.368 lunar months. The large fraction in this number makes it difficult to design a calendar with a whole number of months in each year. There are at least three solutions to the problem: 91i93 Use leap months . In the traditional Chinese and Jewish calendars most years have 12 months, but some have a 13th month. In these luni-solar calendars the length of the year varies from 354 to 384 days. 91ii93 Define 12 synodic lunar months to be a year and dont worry about the length of the year. This is the solution of the Islamic calendar. Since the Islamic year has only 354 or 355 days, its length does not match the cycle of the seasons. 91iii93 Observe the solar year and let the months be 12 arbitrary periods dont worry about the Moon. This is the solution adopted by Julius Caesar, who established the civil calendar we use today. In this calendar, all months have 30 or 31 days except the second month, February. February has 28 days in ordinary years and 29 in leap years. See also year 91293. moog a proposed unit in synthetic music, equal to one volt per octave. The unit would honor Robert Moog (1934-2005), the inventor of the Moog synthesizer. morgan (M) a unit of genetic separation used in genetics and biotechnology. If two locations on a chromosome have probability p of being separated during recombination in a single generation, then the distance between those locations is p morgan. In practice, measurements are made in centimorgans. each centimorgan representing a 1 probability. The unit honors the American geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan (1866-1945), who received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1933 for his pioneering work in studying the genetics of the fruit fly Drosophila . morgen a traditional unit of land area in Northern Europe. Morgen means morning, and most likely the unit arose as the area a yoke of oxen could plow in one morning. The Dutch morgen, also used in Dutch colonies including old New York, equals about 2.10 acres or 0.850 hectare. In South Africa, this unit was defined to equal 10 246 square yards. which is 2.1169 acres or 0.8567 hectare. In Scandinavia and northern Germany, the morgen is a smaller unit equal to about 0.63 acre or 0.25 hectare (2500 square meters). The Prussian morgen, standardized at 2553.22 square meters, was in common use during the nineteenth century. In Austria and southern Germany, the morgen was often the same as a joch. typically defined to be 0.5755 hectare or about 1.422 acres. mou see mu (below). mouse unit (MU or U) an unofficial unit of toxicity used in pharmacology. A mouse unit is the dose of a toxin that kills 50 of mice (that is, it is the LD 50 dose for mice). Typically the mice are assumed to have a mass of 20 grams, the toxin is administered by intraperitoneal injection, and mortality is measured over a standard period that may vary according to the toxin. The size of the mouse unit (in milliliters or international units) depends on the specific toxin. MP, MPa symbols for the megapascal, a unit of pressure or stress (see above). MPa is the correct symbol MP should not be used. mppcf abbreviation for million particles per cubic foot, a unit used to measure concentration of dust particles, mostly in industrial settings. 1 mppcf is equivalent to about 35.315 million particles per cubic meter. The symbol mpf 3 is sometimes used for this unit. mq Italian abbreviation for the square meter ( metro quadrato ). Similarly, cmq is a square centimeter and kmq is a square kilometer. These are non-standard symbols the correct symbol for the square meter is m 2. msl or MSL abbreviation for quotabove mean sea level, quot often seen in measurements of altitude, as in m (msl) for meters above mean sea level or ft msl for feet above mean sea level. Mean sea level is defined to be the average height of the sea, for all stages of the tide, as measured over a 19-year Metonic cycle (see above). msnm Spanish symbol for meters above sea level ( metros sobre el nivel del mar ), a unit of altitude. Mstb a symbol commonly used in the oil industry for 1000 stock tank barrels. msw symbol for meters of seawater, a conventional unit of pressure. The pressure exerted by seawater varies slightly with temperature and salinity, but for practical purposes the convention is that each meter imposes a pressure of 0.1 bar or 10 kilopascals (about 0.102 kilograms of force per square centimeter or 1.45 pounds per square inch). Sometimes the convention is that each meter is equivalent to 0.1 atmosphere (0.1013 bar), which is practically the same thing. In English units, 1 msw 3.28 feet of seawater (fsw). Underwater pressure gauges are frequently calibrated in this unit. Msyms a unit of radio transmission rate equal to 1 million symbols per second. MT a common U. S. abbreviation for the metric ton or tonne (1000 kilograms). mtu see metric ton unit, above. mu or mou a traditional unit of land area in China. The traditional mu is about 675 square meters or 800 square yards. However, the colonial customs authorities used a larger mu equal to 8273.75 square feet, 919.3 square yards, or 768.65 square meters. In modern China, the mu is often reckoned to be exactly 115 hectare. which is 666.667 square meters or 797.327 square yards. mud a traditional Dutch unit of volume for grains and other dry commodities. Originally varying from market to market, the unit was declared equal to the hectoliter (about 3.5315 cubic feet or 2.838 U. S. bushels ) when the metric system was introduced in the Netherlands. With this definition it is still in use. mug 91193 an informal contraction of metric slug. See TME or hyl. mug 91293 another name for a slinch. mutchkin a traditional Scottish unit of liquid volume. The mutchkin is about 15 British fluid ounces. which is about 426 milliliters or almost exactly 0.9 U. S. pint. mwe abbreviation for meter of water equivalent, a unit used in nuclear physics to describe the shielding around a reactor, accelerator, or detector. 1 mwe of any material (such as rock, gravel, etc.) is a thickness of that material providing shielding equivalent to one meter of water. MWe, MWt symbols used in the electric power industry to describe the size of generating plants. MWe is the symbol for the actual output of a generating station in megawatts of electricity MWt is used for the heat energy, or thermal output, required to operate the generators. Thermal output is typically about three times the electric output. Mya or mya a common abbreviation (in English speaking countries) for million years ago. The form Mya is recommended, since the capital M, taken from the metric prefix mega - (M-), is the appropriate symbol for a million. myria - (my-) a metric prefix meaning 10 000. This prefix was part of the original metric system of 1795 and was used throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It has been obsolete officially since 1960, when the CGPM adopted the standard list of SI prefixes. The ancient Greek word myrios means countless, without number. This was modified by later Greeks to form a word myrioi meaning ten thousand. The word myriad . generally used today to mean an indefinitely large number, originally meant the number 10 000. myriagram (myg) a metric unit of mass equal to 10 000 grams or 10 kilograms (about 22.046 pounds ). Although it is considered obsolete now, the myriagram was a useful unit comparable to the English quarter or Spanish arroba. myriameter (mym) an obsolete metric unit of distance equal to 10 000 meters or 10 kilometers (about 6.2137 miles ). You are welcome to email the author (rowlettemail. unc. edu) with comments and suggestions. All material in this folder is copyright COPY 2008 by Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Permission is granted for personal use and for use by individual teachers in conducting their own classes. All other rights reserved. You are welcome to make links to this page, but please do not copy the contents of any page in this folder to another site. Das Material auf dieser Seite wird von Zeit zu Zeit aktualisiert. Checked and revised November 20, 2001Calculating The Cost Of Electricity 2000 Melissa Kaplan It isnt only herp keepers who need extra electricity - and sometimes natural or propane gas - to keep their pets warm. Birds, while warm-blooded, are closer to herps in that they will get sick if their environments are not kept within the species optimum temperature range. Smaller animals lose heat faster than large animals, putting even small mammals such as hamsters at risk when their room air temperatures fall below their optimum range. People themselves often have special needs when it comes to their own health. They may require more electricity than an otherwise healthy, abled person due to equipment and other needs. Some may require more gas for their central heating, water heaters, and stoves due to special health and dietary needs. Thus it is that there are many people who may find the following information useful and helpful in identifying and managing their energy costs in this time of increasing demand and cost. Since I myself am ill, and it is taking a lot of energy and other resources (no pun intended) to write this article and get it online, I am writing only one single article rather than one for my herp site and one for my Chronic Neuroimmune Diseases site. Hidden Cost of Keeping Herps (and Birds and Plants) It is easy enough to calculate the cost of getting a herp. to the price of the animal itself, you add in the price of the enclosure, lighting and heating equipment, substrate, furnishings, food, cleaning and disinfecting supplies, first aid supplies, initial veterinary visit, etc. The prices for these can all (except the vet) be found by visiting your local pet stores, hardware stores, drug stores, ranch and farm supply stores, or comparable online merchants. The significant hidden cost, especially in these days of escalating electricity, natural gas and propane prices, is the cost of keeping your herps at their required temperatures. A Refresher Of The Importance Of Temperature and Gradients Reptiles and amphibians are not warm-blooded animals like our pet mammals and birds. Like fish, each species has a specific required thermal range that must be provided and maintained, regardless of the ambient room air temperature, day and day out, every day of the year. Each species has its own thermal requirements read the care articles to find out what they are for the species you are interested in. If you already have a herp and you havent read about required temperatures, you need to find out what they are. Keeping a herp too warm is just as dangerous for its overall health and wellbeing as keeping it too cold. Keeping a herp at one single temperature across its entire accessible environment is also just as dangerous. Herps must be provided with their thermal gradient that they can move around in throughout the course of the day and night to be able to maintain their needed core body temperature. Only in this way can they digest their food properly and keep their systems functioning. Herps have to be able to access the thermal gradient, too. For example, if your thermal gradient is vertical (warmer at the top, cooler on the bottom), it is useless if the herp cannot move up towards the top to get warmer. A gradient is a three-dimensional thing: vertical (top to bottom or bottom to top, including within the substrate layer for burrowing herps ) horizontal (side to side) and across (front to back). One of the reasons why most of the commercially sold enclosures are worthless for most reptiles is because they are too small to be able to provide the necessary horizontal gradients for most species, and the vertical gradients required by climbing and arboreal species. Many popular herps are from the tropics, neotropics. or deserts: green iguanas, red-tail boas, ball pythons, bearded dragons, various skinks and swifts, Uromastyx. water dragons, etc. For these herps. you have to provide their tropical, neotropical. or desert temperature ranges all year round. Sometimes that means you have to actually cool their enclosure down when it gets too hot outside and inside your home. Most of the time, however, it means you have to keep a steady supply of heat to keep their enclosures at their required daytime thermal gradient, and at their night time thermal gradient. This is not an option: you have to do it. You cannot expect a herp to adapt to your environment. A major part of the responsibility of keeping herps is maintaining the temperatures they require. If there is any reason why you cannot do that - whether due to the cost of the energy required to provide the needed heating, the cost of the properly-sized enclosure, or the inability to provide sufficient humidity (which goes along with temperature as a key environmental requirement), then you should not have that herp. Better to stick with an appropriately sized mammal as they do generate their own body heat and so are easier to keep warm during seasonally cold periods and to cool down during hot ones. Temperatures Are Important For Native Species, Too Caring for native species from your own area still requires more than just sticking them in a tank. In the wild, herp species deal with freezing or otherwise cold winter temperatures by burrowing down to depths where the temperature is cold enough for them to sustain the circulatory and respiratory function required to stay alive, but not cold enough to kill them. By the same token, if the area they end up hibernating in ends up being even a little too warm than the species optimal hibernation temperatures, they end up staying in hibernation but the faster metabolic rate means that they exhaust their store of fat and fluids much faster. The end result of this is that they may die of starvation or dehydration before spring or shortly after emerging from hibernation. (Why would they choose a bad place to hibernate Because their habitat was disturbed or destroyed by humans who gave no thought to the long term effects of their moving rocks, clearing the ground, or paving quotunusedquot land for parking lots or roadways, etc.) So, even if you collected a kingsnake or box turtle (legally, of course, according to the laws of your state) from your backyard, you will still have to provide heat and a controlled captive environment for them that mimics the thermal terrestrial and aquatic environment the species would have lived in the wild. The same, obviously, is true of any captive-bred native species you buy or are given. Gathering The Information Many power company websites have an online energy calculator where you can just fill in the blanks and find out how much your household appliances (water heaters, washers and dryers, dish washers, stoves, refrigerators, heating and air conditioning, etc.) costs to operate per month. In California, I found two of the four power suppliers I checked had online electricity calculators: Check your bills for your power companys website address, and then search their site for similar calculators. If they do not have one, you can build your own calculator in a spread sheet program. Using the basic information from one of the above online calculators, plugging in the electricity KWH and gas therms cost from your own bill or that you obtain by telephoning or emailing your own gas and electric supplier. The above calculators are great for figuring out how much the various things in your house cost to run. For some reason, however, the power companies failed to include things we know to be critical necessities: ceramic heating elements, people heating pads, nocturnal reptile lights, misting systems, timers, etc. For people who keep fish and other marine life, there is also the cost of pumps, filters, submersible heaters, and lights. For plant people and gardeners, there is the cost of plant lights and germination mats. While each piece of the heating and lighting equipment we have seems to be a small thing, once you add them all up across the population of herps you are currently keeping, the total may be staggering. In the past decade, many states have deregulated power companies which has fostered competition from new power companies and alternative energy providers. That means consumers in the deregulated states, and in pockets of communities in other states, can now choose between two or more power providers. ElectricChoice provides a tool so you can search for power companies serving your area, and has some great information on how to read power contracts, the importance of contracts, and more. So, Whats The Big Deal (a question asked only by those who arent paying the monthly bills) When I lived in Los Angeles ten years ago, with 18 herps and 3 birds, my monthly power cost was about 50-60 a month. I now have no birds, and only nine reptiles (one each ball python, blue-tongue skink, G. spengleri . Cyclura . green iguana, and two each desert tortoises and chaco tortoises) who winter inside. Two hibernate, and two brumate. All but the python and spengleri are free roamers who spend most of their winter in the iguana room, the only room in the house kept warm throughout the year. My PGampE bill for gas and electricity during November 11 - December 10, 2000 was, thanks to the failure of deregulation and Enrons machinations, 164.71. When I used PGampEs online calculator, I found out that the 1500 watt free-standing closed-system radiant oil heater I keep running in the iguana room (a. k.a. the breakfast room) is costing 118 a month. Even so, it is less expensive than using my central HVAC that uses natural gas. Back in the days of 50 monthly energy bills at home, the landlord of the building in which I had a store decided I would be much easier to push around than my male partner who left the country for several months. The way he did so was to inform me that, in as much as his cost for electricity was increased by the power company and I paid a pro-rated share in my monthly rent payment, that he would have to increase my rent. Uh-huh. So I sat down and figured out how much energy each of my lights and other electrical equipment (some of which had to be left on 247365) cost to run on a dailymonthly basis. I then presented him with a spreadsheet of the final figures that showed how he actually owed me a rent decrease based on our electrical usage. Needless to say, he didnt try to hit me or my partner up for another rent increase the rest of the time I was there. Calculating Energy Costs Calculating the energy cost of an item is easy once you know the following two bits of information: The total number of watts it takes to run the item The cost per kilowatt hour (Kwh) your power company charges you Every electrical appliance or object that takes electricity to operate will be marked - on the item itself, on its packaging, or in its instruction bookletinformation sheet - with either the watts it uses or with amps and volts. Look for the watts on the item, package, or information sheetbooklet that came with it. If there is no watts figure, but there is amps and volts (often appearing as VAC), simply multiply the amps by the volts to get the number of watts. On large items, like transformers, power strips, timers, etc. you will find the information molded (embossed) on the object or appearing on a plate or sticker on the object. The power strip I just checked, for example, says 15 A 125 VAC 60 HZ To find the watts in this type of situation, I simply multiply 15 (amps) x 125 (volts) to get 1875 watts. In the case of the strip, this is the total load it can carry. (As a couple of engineering folks pointed out to me, empty power strips consume a negligible amount.) Sometimes the information is printed on the item in such a way that it wears off after the item has been used for a while. My older heating pads dont have any embossed information on the back of the switch, nor on the pad, and Ive long ago thrown out the packaging and accompanying information. But the new pad I just bought has printed on it something that I can use in most of my quotinexpensive human heating pad - regular sizequot calculations: Light bulbs are similarly easy: the watts is printed right on them. So, your 100 watt light bulb uses 100 watts. Your 15 watt UVB-fluorescent uses 15 watts. If you are using quotenergy miserquot types of incandescent bulbs, you may need the packaging to remind you what it is. (For example, the 60 watt incandescent bulbs I used to use in my quotsecurity lampquot in my living room used only 55 watts. I replaced it several months ago with a screw-in fluorescent that only uses 12 watts.) So, you may need a trip to the store to make some notes if you dont remember or no longer have the information you need at hand. To Find Your Power Companys Cost Per Kilowatt Hour There are a four ways you can find this information or figure it out. 1. Look on your bill. In the section where your electrical account detail is spelled out there should be a line that indicates the electric energy charge with figure that shows the amount charged for each kilowatt (Kwh) hour. Use that figure in the formula below. 2. If your bill doesnt have such a figure, or you have having trouble finding it, can look to see the total number of kilowatts (Kwh) read off your meter for the month. Divide that by the total charge for the electricity for the month, and you will get the per Kwh cost. 3. If that doesnt work, head to your power companys website (the link should be somewhere on your bill or may be given out as part of the recorded information you get when you call their customer service phone number), and look for information on how to read and understand your bill. (This isnt meant to be facetious - sometimes they can be very confusing to read and understand.) 4. If none of that works, or you dont want to take the time, or dont have a copy of your last bill and dont want to wait for the other one, or you are on a different rate schedule than most customers are on, call your power companys customer service number. It will be on your bill, on their website, or you can get it from the yellow pages or telephone Information. Doing the Calculation Once you have the watts for each and every item and your power companys charge per kilowatt hour (Kwh), just run the numbers: To find the cost to run one item: 1. Total up the watts per day for the item to get total wattsday. 2. Divide total wattsday by 1000 to get the total kilowatt hours (Kwh) per day. 3. Multiply the Kwhday times the cost per Kwh to get costday. 4. To find out the average cost per month, multiply the costday by 30. (Power company monthly billing cycles vary from 28-33 days) If you want to find the cost of all items: 1. Total up all the watts per day for each item to get total wattsday. 2. Divide total wattsday by 1000 to get the total kilowatt hours (Kwh) per day. 3. Multiply the Kwhday times the cost per Kwh to get your total costday. 4. To find out the average total cost per month, multiply the total costday by 30. (Power company monthly billing cycles vary from 28-33 days) Example: 1 inexpensive regular-sized human heating pad 50 watts, calculated at PGampEs standard rate, averaged: 50 x 24 hoursday 1200 watts 1200 divided by 1000 1.2 Kwh 1.2 x 0.12 0.144day 0.144day x 30 4.32month Pretty cool. and maybe pretty scary. In the PGampE region of California, the average cost per Kwh is 0.12. In actuality, if you are on the regular rate schedule, you are paying 0.115 for your Basic Kwh allowance and 0.133 for every Kwh in excess of your Basic allowance. Rate Analysis Power companies generally offer consumers a (free) rate analysis to see if there is any other rate schedule that, based on the consumers past pattern of usage, would save the consumer money over the long run. Power companies regularly include inserts in with their monthly bills advising customers of this service. For some reason, according to the PGampE customer service reps Ive talked to through the years, relatively few customers take them up on this service. I did about six years ago and changed to what PGampE calls the E8 Rate Schedule. Instead of paying 11.5 cents per basic Kwh and 13.3 cents for every Kwh over that, I pay 7.308 cents for Kwh during the winter, and 12.017 during the summer. This works for me since I use more electricity during the winter than I do during the summer. There is also something called by various names, but amounting to a time-of-use rate, wherein you pay more for energy resources used during peak hours, less during off hours. This is an unlikely one for pet keepers who have to keep their pets warm or during the peak hours, and for people whose illness or disability forces them to be home all day and whose energy demands for special equipment cannot be altered, but it something to look into alone with other possible rate schedule options. Rate Averaging In addition to perhaps finding a better rate schedule to fit your power utilization, you may want to ask your power company if they have a balanced payment program. What this program does is, instead of billing you your actual gas and electricity charges for the prior month, averages it out over the course of time (once a year, twice a year, or quarterly, depending on how the program is set up). The benefit of this is that your monthly payment tends to be lower and you can budget for it a little better. Assistance Programs Pet keepers represent a cross-section of society. As such, many pet keepers are disabled or have health problems that present certain challenges. Many utilize electric and gas resources in excess of those required by people who lack such challenges. In addition, in a fluctuating economy such as we are seeing to day. with quotmarket adjustmentsquot resulting in reduction in hours - and in the workforce - many people are hard pressed to make ends meet. Many people, pet keepers or not, are disabled or retired, living on very fixed incomes, people who have no discretionary income to reallocate to meet their monthly power bills. Fortunately, for some of these people, there are some assistance programs available. At this time of year, your power company sends monthly inserts with your bills about these programs. You can also call the companys customer service number, or go to their website, to find out more about what programs are available and what the eligibility requirements are. The most commonly available programs are discussed briefly below. FEPG is the federally established poverty guidelines. The Federally Established Poverty Guideline (FEPG) for 2000 follows. The amount is increased every February thus far, I have not been able to find out what the 2001 rate will be. Whatever it is, it wont be significantly higher than the 2000 guideline. For more information on the FEPG, see the DHHS Poverty Guidelines, Research amp Measurement site. Number of people in household FEPG Year 2000 (Total Household income) Services for Medical Baseline and Life Support Customers (Power Company program) If you are a paraplegic, quadriplegic, or have other health problems that result in your having unusual gas or electricity needs, contact the power company and talk to them. For example of eligibility and need requirements, see PGampE s Financial Assistance Programs page. CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy) (Formerly LIRA ) (State program) 800-743-5000 Provides about a 15-percent monthly discount on gas and electric rates to income qualified households and certain nonprofit facilities. Once certified, the discount is in effect for 2 years recertification is required for subsequent 2-year periods. If you live in a mobile home park, the park may be certified. If you rent a room or unit in a house and the power account is in your landlords, youre out of luck. Your landlord, if retired or disabled, may qualify for the program. Eligibility includes household income at or below 150 of the FEPG. PGampEs Financial Assistance Programs page has more information be sure to check with your own power company for information on their programs and eligibility requirement. HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) (Federally funded program administered by counties in each state) 800-433-4327 The money is allocated by the feds (Clinton just ordered extra funding for this program, something Bush will likely undo) to the states the program is administered on a conty level. Eligibility includes a household income level of no more than 130 of the FEPG. Assistance is provided in a one-time onlyper year payment made directly to the power company in your account. REACH (Relief For Energy Assistance Through Community Help) (Funded by public and power company employee donations with matching funds donated by power company administered by The Salvation Army) If you have received a cut-off notice because you havent been able to pay your bill, you may be eligible. See the PGampE Financial Assistance gt REACH page for more eligibility and contact information. Assistance is generally a one-time only basis, not ongoing through the entire time of need. You can also contact your local social service organizations, such as the United Way. to see what other programs you may be eligible for. Homeowners and Renters Assistance Program In California, at least, this little known program is available for those who meet the eligibility requirements: If you are 62 years of age, or blind, or otherwise disabled (on SSD or SSI), and meet the income guideline, you are eligible. This program is not related to any of the energy assistance programs. If eligible, you will get a one-time payment per year from the state you will need to apply each year. More information in available through the California Franchise Tax Board site. Other Money and Energy Saving Tips If you own your home, check with your power company, county and state to see if there are any incentive programs for various weatherproofingenergy-saving modifications you make to your home or rental units. Read the stuff that comes with your power bills The trees they decimate to print those inserts on wont be such a waste if you read them and put some of the information to use. You can also find energy saving tips on your own power companys website. If your power company doesnt have a very extensive site, feel free to check out the information available on the PGampE, SCE or other power companies in your own region. If you have a separate freezer or refrigerator for prey or human food, dont forget to calculate their cost in addition to your refrigerator. The more filled-to-capacity a freezer is (both those that are part of your refrigerator and stand-alone units), the more energy efficient it is. If your freezer is running low on items, fill up some milk cartons or other jugs with water and stick them in the freezer until the next time you get your bulk order of prey or human food ( er. that is, food for humans). Where possible, switch to screw-in fluorescent lighting for the people light fixtures in your home. They can be used in ceiling fixtures, outdoor lights, and many standard lamps. I personally am bothered by the subtle flickering and brightness of light produced by fluorescents, so I use energy miser incandescents in the lamps I read by. I also have them plugged into lamp dimmer switches so I can ramp them down even further. If you keep the ducts to the central heating unit shut off so little used rooms arent needlessly heated, but family members tend to forget to close the door when they do go in there, consider installing an automatic door closure on that door. Rethink that cell phone - it takes up far more energy than a regular phone. Christmas lights decorating your tree and house are about 50 watts. Do you really need them on from dusk to dawn Dusty coils and dirty seals make your refrigerator use more energy trying to keep everything cold. Water heaters are often turned up too high. Turn them down a notch and wrap an approved water heater insulation blanket around it if you havent already done so. especially if it sits in a cold, unheated garage (which, by the way, is not where your reptiles should be kept). Get retro. In the days before central heating and air conditioning, people used their curtains or shutters to help keep the inside of their home comfortable. Open them on sunny days to let the sun warm up the room, and keep them closed on hot days to keep the inside cooler. Think plants. If you have a southern exterior wall that helps keep your home nice and warm during the winter, but too hot in the summer, plant some fast growing plants to cover the wall (better: a trellis placed a couple of inches away from the wall) and grow some seasonal shade. Hops grow tall and fast and so can be used for single story and two story homes, You may need to wash the family laundry in separate loads, but you can probably mix loads together in the dryer, reducing dryer time (and gas and electricity). Set the dryer to lower temps and less time, letting close finish drying by hanging them up on a temporary clothes rack or line. During nice weather, hang sheets and towels outside and let the sun and breezes do it for free. Install photosensors in outside light fixtures (and use fluorescents in the fixtures). That way, if you forget to turn the outside lights off, they will go off automatically at dawn, and not come on till dusk. That gives you 12 hours to remember you forgot. Leaving your computer and peripherals on all the time Think again. There is no door between my iguana room (breakfast room) and kitchen, so I installed a closet clothing-rod-sized dowel just under the ceiling, using holders made for this purpose I bought at the hardware store. I then draped over this rod a thick plastic drop cloth that is wider than the width of the opening. I cut a slit up the middle of the double-thickness quotcurtainquot thus formed so that humans can easily walk through it. It falls to about 4quot above the floor, enabling my iguanas, skink, and tortoises to easily move back and forth at will. This effectively keeps my iguana room in the 80s while the rest of the house is in the low 50s during the winter. This type of quotcurtainquot could be installed in other places in the house where there was no existing door. If you wanted to get fancy about it, you could use a suitably sized shower curtain, but they tend be shorter in vertical length and this will leave a bigger gap at the top. Not exactly haute decor, but neither is hypothermia. Retrofit your fireplace or get a new. energy efficient propane or pellet stove. Wood burning stoves and fireplace are major sources of air pollution and actually inefficient at heating rooms - though they do make your chimney nice and toasty. As people are turning to burning wood as an alternative to using electric and gas heating, air pollution and related health problems are going up. (See Saving Money By Burning Wood Is A Stinky Idea ). PGampE and other power companies have some standard household tips online. And read those inserts in your electricity, gas and water bills: people write them for a reason and youll never know how much they may save you if you just toss them List of Equipment To Include In Your Costing Ceramic heating elements and pads Fluorescent lights Heat lights Heating pads Lamp dimmer switches Power strips Radio (left on to keep pets company while youre away) Submersible heaters Television (left on to keep pets company while youre away) Timers Transformers Water filters Water pumps Permission to reprint in nonprofit newsletters is granted. with proper attribution. Webmasters may link to this page from their sites if they wish, but not reprint my article at their site. Related Articles amp Resources

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